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本研究的目標主要有兩點:第一,欲透過探討鶯歌各種類陶瓷產業的發展,以概念化其生產網絡。第二,透過全球生產網絡的理論檢驗鶯歌陶瓷產業,使用價值、權力、鑲嵌三個關鍵概念相互交織以揭示生產網絡中的區域,如何獲取價值及運作權力,以及組織其工業地域。 首先透過檢視鶯歌陶瓷產業的歷史背景,瞭解以家族窯廠發跡的鶯歌,如何因豐富原料、交通及技術人才,使工廠逐漸聚集。近年來東亞地區製造業的位移,使陶瓷外銷市場萎縮,並面臨全球化衝擊。因此部分工廠外移中國或東南亞,尋求低生產成本,其中有些公司已形成跨界的生產網絡。而仍在鶯歌營運的陶瓷工廠則以研發設計與技術改良為主,且更致力於開發新製程、提高良率及增加產能;中小型廠則以維持品質、生產專業化及彈性銷售來維持經營。藝術類陶瓷工廠也因為政府政策對文化產業的重視,而進入嶄新階段。 在檢視生產網絡中的權力關係時,必須考慮公司、制度及集體權力等面向,而擁有高階技術的大型企業權力相對較大。在鑲嵌關係中,鶯歌陶瓷工廠的領域鑲嵌源自於家族企業,但網絡鑲嵌則因工廠間的藏私、競爭及仿冒,而關係薄弱。鶯歌陶瓷產業之研發創新已逐漸出現於大型陶瓷企業中,但因廠商間缺乏完善之互動機制,無法厚實地方社會資本,顯示尚未跳脫早期的聚集型態,仍是因生產要素所帶來的空間上而集結與廠商間交易性依賴。並非為廠商與廠商間基於互惠、高度信任與緊密互動學習的水平式結構,因此並非真正的群聚工業地域。
This research has two main aims. Firstly to conceptualize the production networks of Yingge ceramics industry through examining the evolution of ceramics factories. Secondly, to use Global Production Network approaches to elucidate Yingge ceramics industry, three key notions of value, power and embeddedness are used to reveal the most powerful actors in the production network, how they maintain and exercise their power, and how the organization of production is manipulated as a result in Yingge. The paper starts with investigating the history of Yingge ceramics industry, to know it was initiated by its affluent resources, abundant of talents and convient communications. In recent years, Yingge ceramics industry has encountered a decline problem in ceramics export and the influence of globalization. Hence some factories migrated to China or Southeast Asian nations, and even some of them formed the trans-border production networks. The ceramics factories that still operate in Yingge concentrate upon research and development (R&D), technology upgrading, developing new production processes, maintaining high yield rates and improving productivity. Large enterprises of toilet ceramics and industrial ceramics innovated toward high technology industry. Small and medium enterprises still keep on producing products with superior quality, and circulate flexibly. Combined with government policy emphasis on the cultural industry, the art ceramics industry enters into a new phase. When examining the power relations in the production network, it is essential to consider dimensions of corporate power, institutional power and collective power. The research explored the innovation and learning in Yingge every kind of ceramics industry, arguing that the tacit knowledge is accumulated on its technology development and extended on its productive network. Nevertheless, these enterprises didn’t connect with other actors, such as academic research, private or government organizations, so that the industry didn’t enjoy productive network to form their innovation and learning ability. There still is lack of interactive institution among these actors, so that the local social capital is still switch enough. So Yingge ceramics industry is not cluster industrial district.



鶯歌, 全球生產網絡, 價值獲取, 權力, 鑲嵌

