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「舊建築再利用」議題近年來受到大眾關注,帶有歷史感的既有建築,運用現代裝修技術,將原本老舊閒置的空間重新活化,這樣的概念從原本的「保存歷史」轉化為「設計歷史」;此類空間的轉化對大眾似乎有著無形的吸引力。本研究以臺中宮原眼科為例,透過量化研究法中的「相關性研究法」,以消費者的觀點,探討構成吸引力變項間的相關性,及與再惠顧意願間之關係。 根據文獻及訪談,將舊建築再利用之吸引力分為「個人屬性」、「消費屬性」、「空間印象」及「服務與行銷」等構面,對曾惠顧宮原眼科的消費者進行問卷調查,共計回收508份有效問卷,以統計軟體SPSS進行分析,歸納為以下四點: 1. 空間印象的五個因素中,受測者對「再利用方式」的滿意程度最 高,而「再利用方式」與「空間設計質感」為高度相關。 2. 個人屬性及消費屬性與再惠顧意願均為顯著正相關。 3. 空間印象及服務與行銷對再惠顧意願均為顯著正相關。 4. 逐步迴歸分析顯示,選入的8個預測變項,共可預測再惠顧意願57.2%的變異量,而因素「再利用方式」約占總預測量69%,顯見此因素的重要性。 透過上述分析結果,輔以建築師、經營方之觀點,提出未來再利用空間發展,可朝「點」的擴散與連結,並著重於空間氛圍的營造,強化主題性、故事性,以帶給消費者完整體驗。
The term “adaptive reuse” has brought attention to the public for its issues. Through reactivating abandoned historical buildings with modern refurbishment, the concept of “adaptive reuse” focuses on remaking history more than preserving history. The reactivation of historical buildings seems to generate potential attraction to the public. Aiming at the consumers’ responses towards Miyahara in Taichung City, the present study employed quantitative correlational analysis to explore the correlations among the variables of attraction formation, as well as the relationship between the variables and re-patronage intention. Based on literature review and interview results, the attraction of adaptive reuse involves four variables: personal attributes, consumer attributes, space image, and services and marketing. The present study used questionnaires to interview the consumers who have visited Miyahara, and 508 valid questionnaires were collected and processed by SPSS. The findings are summarized as follows: 1. Of the 5 factors of space image, the consumers are the most satisfied with methods of adaptive reuse, and a high correlation has shown between methods of adaptive reuse and quality of space design. 2. A positive correlation has shown between personal attributes/consumer attributes and re-patronage intention. 3. A positive correlation has shown between space image/services and marketing and re-patronage intention. 4. According to stepwise regression analysis, the 8 selected predictive variables are able to predict the variance of re-patronage intention (57.2%). The factor of methods of adaptive reuse accounts for about 69% of the total predictive values, which indicates the importance of this factor. The present study combines the above results with the viewpoints from architects and business practitioners to propose the development of space reuse by sprawling point-to-point connections, and to put more emphasis on building up topic- or story-oriented spaces for consumers’ full enjoyment.



吸引力, 空間印象, 舊建築再利用, attraction, space image, adaptive reuse

