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食物不只是滿足口腹之慾,食物是能吸引感官、滿足心理層次的。通常人們在看到食物的當下,就已經決定喜不喜歡了,所以跟消費者溝通最直接的方式就是透過視覺;本研究以手工巧克力為例,探討當消費者看到巧克力時,只能先從外形判斷進而想像時,怎樣的外觀造形?怎樣的顏色最受歡迎?怎樣才能讓消費者一看就會喜歡、會想要的手工巧克力。本研究透過產品圖像的蒐集與分析,歸納出巧克力的外形與色彩的特徵,然後將這些圖像資料製作問卷,以20-39歲女性族群為對象,調查巧克力的造形與色彩對消費者喜好之影響,將結果做正確的統計分析,最後綜合巧克力圖像的分析與問卷之結果,創作出滿足消費者的手工巧克力。本研究獲得結論如下:(1) 受測者最喜歡的手工巧克力:造形是圓形,其次是圓柱形相關;最喜歡的色彩是咖啡色系,其次是橙黃色系、紅色系。(2) 消費者評估巧克力外觀之準則:是精緻的跟質感的、簡單的跟原味的、可以想像味道的、可以有想像空間的。(3) 總結本研究消費者評估巧克力的準則與人們體驗適度且正面情緒的設計準則,歸納為以下8個基本特徵: 1. 形體簡潔。 2. 平均、對稱的造形。 3. 元素組成明確,一目了然。 4. 元素排列與分佈井然有序。 5. 協調的色系。 6. 看起來有一定的熟悉度,不會完全陌生。 7. 有規律的變化。 8. 有質感、有細節。(4) 本研究的設計創作,擷取問卷調查中最受歡迎的手工巧克力之造形、色彩與特徵,再加上研究者想要表達食物設計的創作理念,將台灣在地的水果與巧克力做完美的結合,賦予產品更多想像空間,創作出3顆能滿足目標消費者的手工巧克力;讓吃巧克力有更多的樂趣與驚喜。最後,希望本研究對於以後的巧克力創作者能夠提供明確的設計方向,研究結果可供台灣巧克力業者參考 。
Food not only fills our stomach in times of hunger, it also appeals to our senses and our inner satisfaction. Many times, our first impression dictates whether or not to try a certain food. Thus, how the food looks is the key aspect to consider when appealing to our customers. The following experiment uses specially designed homemade chocolate as an example to discuss what types of appearance, color, or design, most intrigues the customers to purchase the chocolate. First of all, we compiled a sample of chocolate designs, and created a survey to distinguish which designs the average population were most attracted to. Then we distributed the survey to a controlled population consisting of female individuals ranging from 20 to 30 years of age, and drew some conclusions according to our results. According to our survey results : (1) The most popular chocolate shape is round shaped chocolates, followed by cylindrical shaped chocolates. The color fancied the most are shades of brown, followed by shades orange and yellow. (2) Distinctions that most affected the decision of the customers are as listed: exquisiteness, texture, simplicity, originality, and room for imagination. (3) From our data, we can deduce 8 fundamental qualities a successful chocolate design and pattern requires: 1. Clean and simple. 2. Symmetrical and even. 3. Has distinct features. 4. Authentically arranged. 5. Balanced coloring. 6. Evokes a sense of familiarity. 7. Regular changes are seen. 8. Detailed and textured. By incorporating the standards concluded from our studies of a most favorable design and pattern with an intended underlying concept, we have created three handmade chocolates that fully satisfy the customers’ demands; also bringing elements of joy and surprise to eating chocolate. Last but not least, we hope our conclusion presents a proper direction and guideline for future chocolate designers, and may be a good reference for Taiwan manufactures.



食物設計, 食物造形, 食物色彩, 消費者心理, 巧克力, food design, food model, food complexion, consumer mentality, chocolate

