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本研究旨在瞭解幼兒氣質與感覺統合發展的現況,並檢測兩者之間的關聯,也探討年齡、性別及家庭社經地位不同,幼兒氣質與感覺統合發展是否不同。以臺北市、新北市、桃園縣八所公立幼兒園滿四歲及滿五歲幼兒為研究對象。並採用「幼兒氣質量表」與「幼兒感覺發展檢核表」收集資料,透過SPSS19.0做資料與分析,描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析分析,結果顯示: 一、本研究受試幼兒在氣質各向度的表現特徵為規律性高、趨避性趨、適應性高、反應強度低、分神度較高。 二、四歲組與五歲組受試幼兒在氣質表現無顯著差異,但在性別有顯著差異。男生較女生活動量大、情緒本質負向和反應閾高。 三、高社經地位的受試幼兒較低社經地位之幼兒活動量小、堅持性高、反應閾低。 四、大部分的受試幼兒感覺統合發展在常態範圍內,但仍有個別差異。且一般的幼兒仍可能有感覺統合失調的問題。 五、受試幼兒感覺統合發展表現不因年齡及性別不同而有顯著差異。 六、低社經地位的幼兒前庭反應較不足、觸覺防禦敏感、身體運作不靈巧、重力安全較敏感。 七、感覺統合發展狀況落於常態範圍內的孩子,在氣質上的表現為活動量小、情緒本質正向、適應性高且堅持性高。 根據本研究發現,幼兒氣質與感覺統合發展是有關聯的。建議家長和教育工作者,仔細觀察並瞭解孩子的發展,尋求彼此間的最佳適配性。
The purpose of this study was to understand the current status of the development of young children’s temperament and sensory integration, and to examine the association between the two. Also,the differences among age, gender and family socioeconomic status in young child’s temperament and sensory integration were explored. The participants included 332 young children aged 4-5 who rescruited from eight public kindergartens in Taipei city, New Taipei city, and Taoyuan county. By using “Young Children Temperament Scale” and “Young Children Sensory Development Scale”, the main findings are listed as follows: A.Young children’s temperament show higher rhythmicity, adaptability and distractibility, lower intensity of reaction, and approachability. B.For all subjects among young children between 4 and 5, there is no significant age difference among their temperament dimensions. However,boys tend to have higher activity level, higher negative quality of mood, and higher threshold of responsiveness than girls. C.High SES young children show lower activities level, higher persistence and lower threshold of responsiveness than those low SES. D.Young children may still have the problem of sensory integration. E.There is no significant difference between age, sex and sensory integration, respectively. F.Young children of low more insufficient vestibular responsive, more sensitive to tactile defensiveness , less smooth on body works , and more sensitive to gravity safe. G.Young children show lower activities level, higher adaptability and persistence, and more postive quality of mood, than those with adnormal. According to this study , children’s temperament is associated with sensory integration development. It suggests that parents and educators need to observe children carefully, give them a hand and seek for the best goodness-of-fit.



幼兒, 氣質, 感覺統合, young children, temperament, sensory integration

