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本研究採用敘說方法探究一位生於民國38年,長於民國四、五○年代的眷村外省女性之生命歷程。欲藉由研究參與者的生命故事看見那個年代女性自我的生成,並以其生長的時代背景為框架,理解研究參與者看待自我與世界的脈絡,貫穿其間的,是對華人、對女性尤具意義的「家」的意象如何被建構,研究參與者如何受惠且同時受制於其中,而成了現在的自己。 研究參與者的敘說圍繞著美好的原生家庭、乖的自我、破碎的繁衍家庭、頻病的身軀四個主軸,構成其整體生命經驗,與研究參與者之性別角色、成長背景等相關文獻對話後,統整歸納出一位成長於眷村外省家庭的時代女性,備受疼愛的經驗建構其對「家」的歸屬需求,與「女主內」角色的根深認同,實踐於研究參與者一生「乖」的自我形象。卻在遇人不淑、體弱多病的命苦裡頭,激發出倔強自立的勇氣,堅守奉獻一生的「家」。
This study was written in a narrative style to describe the life story for anwoman who was born in an air force military dependents' village in 1949. It aimsto investigate the vexed question of how she developed her self-image while building connection with the outside world under the traditional family values in the societies she grew up in decades ago. Family is a very important core value in Chinese culture, especially for a woman whose duty is to remain at home and take care of the family. This study looksinto the benefits and drawbacks of having such a strong prototypical value for family and how it had eventually cast her into the traditional mold of a perfect daughter which had trapped her inside this typical role for the rest of her life. The participant described her whole life experience along these four themes: the happy family where she was born into, the self-awareness of the perfect role she tried to play, the gradually breaking extended family and her suffering from ill-health. Taking studies which looked at gender and similar family background in the 50s as references, it is evident that how women were obliged to stay at home was a common dogma of the society. This study looked into how everyone in her family dearly loved and protected her had affected her self-image and whether her self-identity of being a perfect woman had made her struggled in trying to fulfill a woman's roles in the family under the traditional family values in the societies.Her failed marriage and ill-health had helped her to develop the courage to be independent and to give her utmost to protect the family she had devoted her life to.



眷村外省女性, 生命故事, , , Woman from Air Force Military Dependents' Village, Life StoryNarrative, Family, Being Good





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