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隨著兒童權利地位的提升,對兒童自身觀點的關注被視為兒童研究的新典範。以中國大陸的社會背景來說,在計劃生育等生育政策的影響之下,年輕家庭的規模與結構發生了轉變,父母在家庭中扮演的角色也隨之發生轉變。隨著閱讀的推廣,圖畫書成為中國大陸幼兒生活中的重要部分,但幼兒閱讀的相關研究卻多以閱讀能力為導向、較少探討幼兒對文本的理解與回應。基於此社會背景與研究背景,本研究旨在探究大班幼兒對家庭主題圖畫書及其中父母圖像的理解與回應,以及親子共讀時的談話內容與互動策略。 本研究以山東省蒲公英幼稚園的80名大班幼兒及其父/母為研究物件,依據收集到的語料修改現有編碼系統,分別以「幼兒回應內容」、「幼兒回應來源」、「親子共讀談話內容」和「親子共讀互動策略」四個編碼系統對語料進行整理與分析。本研究的主要發現:(一)幼兒更偏愛呈現溫馨家庭氣氛的圖畫書,且對父母角色之外貌、行為與家務分工有自己的觀點,幼兒的回應來源主要是故事本身、圖像以及生活經驗;(二)親子共讀談話內容中圖像佔據較大比重,父母和幼兒都重視傳統文化,且認同傳統的家庭模式;(三)親子共讀互動策略以父母為主導,幼兒被動回應。依據上述研究結果,針對父母和幼教工作者及未來研究提出相關建議。
As children’s rights status increases, concerns about children’s own views are seen as a new paradigm for children’s research. Take the reality of Chinese society as an example, young families’ mode and the parents’ role have changed under the influence of the birth policy. With the promotion of reading, picture books become a common reading texts in the life of Chinese children. However, most of the researches on children's reading are ability oriented and pay little attention to the responses of children. Based on the social and research background, this study aims to explore the responses of five-year-old children to family-themed picture books and the parents' images, as well as the content and interaction strategies of parent-child book reading. In this study, 80 five-year-old children and their parents in the Dandelion Kindergarten of Shandong Province were selected. The utterances were organized and analyzed through the Coding Systems named Contents of Children's Response, Source of Children’s Response, Contents of Parent-child Book Reading and Interaction Strategy of Parent-child Book Reading. The results show that: (1) Young children preferred picture books with warm family atmosphere, and had their own perspectives on parents’ appearance, behavior and division of housework. The main source of preschoolers’ response stemmed from the story, pictures in the books and their own life experience. (2) Pictures were the focus of parent-child book reading. Both the parents and the children treasured the traditional culture, and acknowledged the traditional family mode; (3) Parent-child book reading was parent-led and children were passively responded. Base on the results, recommendations were made to parents, educators, as well as the studies afterwards.



父母圖像, 幼兒, 圖畫書, 親子共讀, 讀者回應, images of parents, parent-child book reading, picture book, preschooler, reader-response

