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  校園是學生主要的學習場所,而「境教」的影響力不容忽視,因此,推動校園人權環境實為人權教育的當務之急。本研究旨在於透過教育處、中心學校和一般學校三層面,以點、線、面的方式,瞭解友善校園人權環境評估指標在桃園縣國民中學運用的歷程。   首先,整理桃園縣國民中學九十八學年度各校回報教育處之調查數據,其次,以訪談的方式瞭解各層級單位執行人員實施該指標的態度、理念、現況和檢討,作為主管機關進行整體政策評估之相關參考。 本研究結果如下: 一、政策規劃尚欠完善:桃園縣教育處對友善校園人權環境指標的推行,以及該指標問卷在各校的實施過程中,雖有要求執行,但在整體計畫上仍缺乏完善的組織團隊,以及長、中、短程的階段性計畫。此外,承辦人員更替頻繁造成傳承斷層,使得業務內容缺乏延續性,相當可惜。 二、推行者態度理念影響成效:領導者的思維以及執行者的理念態度,對於問卷調查的執行以及結果的解讀有所影響。當其愈重視且、愈瞭解校園人權環境的意義和重要性時,該成員也會愈認真執行指標問卷調查,而問卷調查結果的後續處理也會愈積極。 三、指標結果運用有待加強:教育處本身對於指標的問卷調查、以及問卷調查結果的使用不夠積極。對各校問卷調查結果未進行監督,處內本身亦無開會進行全縣性調查結果的檢討,因此難以擬定相關政策主動給予各校輔導協助。 四、善用指標以落實友善校園:友善校園人權環境指標涵蓋人權各層面:法治、平等、隱私、安全等,實為校內具體可行的方向。教育主管單位可考慮以指標為中心,發展出可具體實用於校園中的課程、活動或研習計畫,將友善校園以整合和具體的概念傳達於校園中,也才能實踐於校園每一個角落。
Schools are main learning places where students stay for a long time so the educational environment is important and students should be taken care of seriously. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the level of human rights education at school. This thesis is focusing on evaluating the human rights performance at school in three different levels by interviewing three groups including the education bureau of Taoyuan County government, the student affairs division of a selected school and Taoyuan County’s junior high schools. At first, author summed up a survey result of “Human Rights Indicators for a Friendly Campus” that was collected from all Taoyuan County’s junior high schools in 2009. Then, the author interviewed with three groups mentioned above with the survey summary to deeply understand their opinions and actual execution. Finally, the author provided the research results for government education bureau for executives reference. Research comments as follow: 1. Policy planning is not good enough: Although education bureau of Taoyuan County government asked that schools should implement the indicator of friendly campus, it’s still lack of team work and clear goals in different stages. 2. The attitude of policy leaders affect the consequences: Leaders’ thoughts and opinions significantly affect the implementation results. If the leaders attitude are more positive toward the indicators, the indicator execution will also be more positive and completed. 3. The utilization of indicators needs to be enhanced: education bureau of Taoyuan County government did not utilize the research results very well, so they’re not able to supervise junior high schools on what they need by utilizing the survey results. They can hardly give constructive advises to those schools. 4. Using indicators well to achieve friendly campus: environmental indicators of human rights at friendly campus include rule of law, equal rights, privacy, safety and so on. Education bureau should propose plans for schools according to educational indicators. By doing so, the ideal of friendly campus can be realized at every school.



友善校園, 人權教育, 校園人權環境, 環境指標, Friendly Camps, Human Rights Education, Camps Human Rights Environment, Human Rights Indicators





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