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本論文主要是設計與製作測量骨牌傾倒運動的儀器,以便精確的測量骨牌傾倒時的運動狀態。藉由所測量的數據,分析骨牌傾倒運動所產生的能量傳播現象,並驗證骨牌運動時動能與位能的交替轉換現象,並比較其中的相關性。在我們自行製作的骨牌傾倒角度測量器主要是由一精密的可變電阻改裝而成,可以測量骨牌傾倒角度隨時間的變化。因為骨牌傾倒的時間很短,因此必須自行設計時間解析的USB介面訊號接收器,配合圖形化操作介面軟體與裝置在骨牌上的角度測量器,精確測量骨牌依序傾倒時,其角度隨時間的變化,進一步分析每塊骨牌的角速度、動能與位能之間的交替變化的狀況。另一方面我們也用Easy Java Simulation模擬軟體來模擬實驗骨牌的運動狀態,再將模擬結果與實驗結果作相對比較,找出骨牌運動時的終端速度與能量交換轉換的機制。
To design an instrument for accurate measuring the falling motion of Dominoes is the main target of this research. An angular motion sensor is constructed to resolve the falling angle of domino as function of time, and it is converted from a very accurate variable resistor. Due to the very short falling time, we designed and programmed a circuit to include a USB interface that connects the angular motion sensor with the computer. The obtained data were analyzed to verify the phenomenon of energy propagation of domino wave. The kinetic energy and potential energy of each domino were carefully deduced from the motion of domino, and the correlation of the wave motion with the kinetic and potential energy conversion was found. One the other hand, Easy Java Simulation (EJS) program was used to simulate the domino motion. The simulation results obtained from EJS were used to compare the experiment result, and the wave velocity of the domino motion and the energy transformation mechanism were found.
To design an instrument for accurate measuring the falling motion of Dominoes is the main target of this research. An angular motion sensor is constructed to resolve the falling angle of domino as function of time, and it is converted from a very accurate variable resistor. Due to the very short falling time, we designed and programmed a circuit to include a USB interface that connects the angular motion sensor with the computer. The obtained data were analyzed to verify the phenomenon of energy propagation of domino wave. The kinetic energy and potential energy of each domino were carefully deduced from the motion of domino, and the correlation of the wave motion with the kinetic and potential energy conversion was found. One the other hand, Easy Java Simulation (EJS) program was used to simulate the domino motion. The simulation results obtained from EJS were used to compare the experiment result, and the wave velocity of the domino motion and the energy transformation mechanism were found.
骨牌, 多諾米骨牌, 示範教學實驗, Domino