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本研究目的在探討運動訓練和飲食控制的介入對高中超重女生血清瘦身蛋白(Leptin)濃度和肥胖相關指標以及心肺適能之影響。以25名自願的高中超重女生為受試者(年齡17.23 0.74歲,身高161.32 4.80 cm,體重68.20 7.11 kg,BMI 26.16 2.04 kg/m ),採隨機分派方式將受試者區分為運動配合飲食控制組(ED組,N=13人)和單純運動組(E組,N=12人)。實驗為期8週,兩組受試者分別介入不同的實驗處理:E組僅接受每週3次,每次30分鐘,運動強度介於50﹪~ 70﹪HRR 的跑步運動訓練,並要求維持日常的飲食習慣;ED組除接受上述相同的運動訓練外,每日的飲食熱量攝取均接受嚴格的控制(1405.50 123.36 Kcal/day)。全體受試者在實驗前、中(第28天)、後三個相同時段,各接受一次採血,並測量身高、體重、BMI、腰臀圍比、身體脂肪百分比和12分鐘跑走測驗。實驗所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數進行統計分析,結果如下: 一、ED組受試者體重平均減少5.92 2.82 kg(降幅8.44﹪),BMI由26.39 2.39 kg/m 減少為23.98 1.58 kg/m ,體脂肪百分比由31.98 2.76﹪減少為29.20 1.83﹪,12分鐘跑走距離則由1634.53 136.12公尺增加為1935.46 138.87公尺,各項測量值在組內均達顯著差異(p<.05)。 二、E組受試者體重平均減少3.18 1.57 kg(降幅4.65﹪),BMI由25.92 1.65 kg/m 減少為24.60 1.78 kg/m ,體脂肪百分比由31.44 1.91﹪減少為29.92 2.05﹪,12分鐘跑走距離則由1576.16 138.49公尺增加為1927.91 120.53公尺,各項測量值在組內均達顯著差異(p<.05)。 三、ED組受試者的血清Leptin濃度,前、中、後測值分別為12.36 3.29 ng/ml、6.12 2.86 ng/ml和8.79 3.49 ng/ml,三次測量值在組內達顯著差異(p<.05)。E組受試者的血清Leptin濃度,則分別為10.26 3.32 ng/ml、7.39 4.11 ng/ml和7.58 3.50 ng/ml,三次測量值在組內亦達顯著差異(p<.05)。 結論:八週規律的運動訓練並配合飲食控制,或是僅採單一規律的運動訓練,均會使高中超重女生的體重、BMI、腰臀圍比、體脂肪百分比和血清瘦身蛋白濃度顯著減少。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise training and diet control on serum leptin levels, obesity indexes, and cardio respiratory fitness. Twenty-five overweight high school female students (aged 17.23 0.74, height 161.32 4.80 cm, weight 68.20 7.11 kg, body mass index [BMI] 26.16 2.04 kg/m2) were enrolled in either 8 weeks of aerobic exercise training with dietary intake controls (Group ED with 1405.50 123.36 Kcal/day, n=13) or exercise training alone (Group E, n=12). The training program consisted of jogging for 30 minutes, 3 times/week with exercise intensity maintained at 50~70% maximal heart rate reserve. 1. Results for Group ED showed significant decreases in body weight (5.92 2.82 kg or 8.44 %, p<.05), BMI (from 26.39 2.39 kg/m2 to 23.98 1.58 kg/m2, p<.05), and fat mass percent (from 31.98 2.76 % to 29.20 1.83 %, p<.05), as well as increases in the 12 minute run (from 1634.53 136.12 m to 1935.46 138.87 m, p<.05). 2. Results for Group E showed significant decreases in body weight (3.18 1.57 kg or 4.65 %, p<.05), BMI (from 25.92 1.65 kg/m2 to 24.60 1.78 kg/m2, p<.05), and fat mass percent (from 31.44 1.91 % to 29.92 2.05 %, p<.05), as well as increases in the 12 minute run (from 1576.16 138.49 m to 1927.91 120.53 m, p<.05). 3. Leptin levels showed significant change (p<.05), respectively, on days 1, 28, and 56 of the 8-week program for Group ED (12.36 3.29 ng/ml, 6.12 2.86 ng/ml, and 8.79 3.49 ng/ml) and Group E (10.26 3.32 ng/ml, 7.39 4.11 ng/ml, and 7.58 3.50 ng/ml). Conclusion: Findings indicate that eight weeks of regular exercise, with or without diet controls, caused significant decreases in the body weights, BMI, waist/hip ratios, body fat mass, and serum leptin levels of overweight female high schoolstudents.



瘦身蛋白, 肥胖基因, 運動訓練, 減肥, 超重, leptin, ob gene, exercise training, weight loss, overweight





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