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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center


本研究旨在探討國小資優學生於英文寫作教學課程實施前後英文寫作能力之變化。採縱貫研究設計,使用潛在成長模式(latent growth curve model, 簡稱LGM)進行資料分析,並以學生英文能力組別作為高階預測變項,進行多階層LGM分析,以瞭解不同學生英文能力組別與英文寫作能力之關係。研究結果顯示:(1)本研究提出之潛在直線成長模式與觀察資料的整體適配度良好,可用以回答研究問題;(2)資優班學生英文寫作能力成長呈現正向變化的趨勢;(3)不同英文能力組別資優班學生英文寫作能力起始點與成長率有顯著差異,所能解釋的變異分別為52.1% 與8.6%。研究者根據研究結果,提出後續研究與資優教育教學現場之建議。
This study aims at discussing the changes in English writing abilities of elementary school gifted pupils before and after their participation in the English writing courses. Longitudinal study was designed for this research and the data were analyzed with latent growth curve model (LGM). Groups’ formation by pupils’ English language proficiency was used as the higher-order predictor variable to perform the multilevel LGM analysis in order to know the correlations between the proficiency grouping and English writing ability. The results as follows:1. The goodness-of-fit in the latent linear growth curve model and the data answers the research questions.2. After participating in the English writing courses, the pupils’ writing ability tend to improve in a positive manner.3. The starting points and growth of gifted pupils grouped by different English proficiency got significant discrepancy, of which the interpretable difference is between 52.1% and 8.6%.The researcher has proposed suggestions on further research and teaching scene of gifted education based on the results.


