
dc.description.abstract兒童觀眾是美術館培養美術欣賞人口的基礎,教育推展必須往下紮根;而兒童在學習特性不同於成人,美術館必須依據兒童的需要規劃適當的教育活動內容。據此本研究之進行係欲解答下列問題: 一、美術館兒童教育理念為何? 二、美術館兒童教育活動要素為何? 三、美術館兒童教育活動型態為何? 四、國內美術館兒童教育活動現況為何? 五、國內外美術館兒童教育活動之差異性為何? 為解答以上問題,本研究以「文獻分析」與「個案研究」兩種方式進行: 一、文獻分析部份:對國內、外相關文獻,進行資料匯整。 二、個案研究部份:利用親身訪談、實地觀察,對國內五家美術館進行研究;透過資料函索及E-Mail,對國外數家美術館進行活動實例研究。 根據研究結果所作的研究結論,研究者認為要有效率地規劃及推展美術館的兒童教育,美術館需與兒童、家庭、學校及社區共同建立一個兒童教育活動的關係網路,其關係網路分別為: 一、美術館本身——美術館需有完善而健全的教育方案。 二、美術館與兒童——美術館需體認兒童學習者的需求。 三、美術館與家庭——美術館需加強家庭觀眾的親子互動。 四、美術館與學校——美術館需研擬輔助學校美育的發展計劃。 五、美術館與社區——美術館需結合社區資源以利教育推展。 並藉由上述五方面的結論,進一步提出建議,希望能供相關單位參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractChildren are the base of art appreciation population that art museums are eager to cultivate. Developing art education should begin on them. However, learning characteristics of children differ from that of adults. Art museums have to design appropriate educational contents for children according to their needs. The purposes of this study are to better understand the following questions. 1.What are the theories of children education applied in art museums? 2.What are the elements of children's education activities in art museums? 3.What are the categories of children's education activities in art museums? 4.What is the current situation about children's education contents developed in domestic art museums? 5.What are the differences about children's education activities between domestic and foreign art museums? To answer these questions, this study adopts two methods, literature analysis and individual study. The researcher collected and analysized literature about children's education activities developed in domestic and foreign art museums. While doing individual study, the researcher interviewed and observed members of education departments in five domestic art museums. She also questionnaired and e-mailed to several art museums overseas to gain a overview for comparing the distinctions of children's educational activities between domestic and foreign art museums. Results of this study conclude that art museums should construct a network with children, family, school, and community in order to effectively scheme and promote children's education activities. There are sevaral points needed to be recognized while constructing and strengthening this networking. 1.Art museums this themselves-Art museums should develop more completed educational policles. 2.Art museum and children-Art museums need to recognize more profoundly about demands of young learners. 3.Art museum and family-Art museums ought to strengthen their relationship with family and stimulate mutual learning between parents and children. 4.Art museum and schools-Art museums may assist schools to develop art education programs. 5.Art museum and community-Art museums have to better make use of community resources in order to effectively promote art education. Following these conclusions, several suggestions are wortn to be taken by related institutions as references.en_US
dc.titleTheories and Practice of Children's Education Program in Art Museumen_US

