兩岸青少年視覺影像解讀之比較─ 以臺北市與上海市之中學生為例

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當今社會處在全球化氛圍下,傳播媒體進步發達,獲得資訊容易。時下青少年當屬資訊科技的大量使用族群,無論是社群媒體、聊天軟體、各式訊息與影像無不透過簡單連結便可輕鬆獲取。在此種情境中,生活裡的各式訊息影像會如何以明示,或隱晦的方式影響人們的思考及價值觀將是值得探討的有趣議題。 青少年處在可塑性極高的年齡,正經歷國民義務教育階段,每日接受各式知識洗禮,環境對其影響至深。而充斥各處的視覺影像對視覺感官造成直接的刺激,無論是廣告、海報、動態宣傳影像,以致明星代言影像、KUSO改造圖片,甚或一般生活照,都極可能帶給青少年不同的影響。 因此本研究希望探討兩岸青少年於視覺影像的觀看模式與解讀類型有何異同,同時比較不同性別、教育階段之青少年於視覺影像的觀看模式與解讀類型上是否有差異。觀看模式可分為四面向,分別是「影像描述」、「吸引陳述」、「作者意象」,以及「喜好判斷」;解讀類型可分為三面向,分別是「吸引原因」、「認知理解原因」,及「成功原因」,依此將所回收問卷中之質性資料分類評分。 為達研究目的,透過自行發展之「青少年視覺影像反應調查問卷」,收集兩岸研究對象的有效問卷資料共497份,首先以所訂立之標準及前述評分面向將質性書寫資料進行評分,繼之獨立樣本T檢定分析等方式將資料以統計軟體量化處理,最後進行資料解讀、分析與詮釋。 根據問卷回收進行統計分析之結果,發現居住地、性別、教育階段皆為影響青少年觀看模式及解讀類型之因素。於觀看模式方面發現分數平均值臺北高於上海,女性高於男性,高二高於國二;於解讀類型方面發現隨著不同的問題導向,受調學生會隨之改變自身解讀類型與判斷依據。依此提出幾點結論與建議,作為藝術教師於設計課程上之參考,以及未來研究之參照。
Living in a society that is undergoing globalization and media evolution, information has become easily accessible. Teenagers nowadays are among the heaviest users of information technology. Nomatter it is through social media or live chat software, information and images are just a simple click away. Under this context, how information and images in daily lives can explicitly or implicitly influence people’s way of thinking and values becomes an interesting topic to explore. Teenagers are full of potential, and as they are receiving compulsory education, they are infused with all sort of knowledge on a daily basis and environment can have a great impact on them. While visually stimulating images can be found virtually everywhere, ranging from advertisement, posters, promotional videos, celebrity endorsement videos, kuso images, even to regular everyday life photos, it is very likely that those images can influence teenagers in many different ways. This study is intended to evaluate how teenagers from Taipei, Taiwan vs Shanghai, China view and interpret visual images. The study also compares how teenagers of different genders and at different education levels view and interpret visual images. There are four aspects when it comes to the way visual images are being viewed. These aspects include “image description”, “description of why the image appeals to the viewer”, “image purpose”, and “preference judgments”. Interpretation of the image can be further studied in three aspects, including “reasons of why an image is appeal to viewers”, “explanations of how an image is understood by viewers”, and “factors that make an image successful”. Based on the above-mentioned aspects, questionnaires collected were scored and presented in this thesis. To serve the purposes of the study, a self-developed questionnaire “Teenagers’ Responses to Visual Images” was administered to teenagers in Taipei and in Shanghai, collecting total of 497 valid questionnaires. Firstly, the qualitative data was scored. The qualitative data was then analyzed using the independent sample T-test and Statistical Software (SPSS). Finally, the results were explained, analyzed and interpreted. Based on the statistical analysis of the questionnaires received, it is found that the place of residence, gender and education level are all possible factors that can influence the way teenagers view and interpret the images. In terms of the way the teenagers view the images, the analysis suggests that teenagers from Taiwan have higher average scores than those from Shanghai. Females have higher scores than males and eleventh grade students have higher scores than eighth grade students. In regards to the way the teenagers interpret the images, the result shows that teenagers tend to change the way they judge and interpret an images if different questions were asked on the same image. To conclude, this study proposed some teaching strategies that serve as references for art teachers in course design and for future research.



視覺文化, 觀看模式, 解讀類型, visual culture, viewing mode, interpretation type





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