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觀光產業在臺灣原住民鄉鎮發展中扮演著重要角色,本文即探討長期以觀光為主要活動之臺北縣烏來地區原鄉居民對其生活環境及觀光發展所識覺之文化景觀及其意涵。 首先訪談居民對生活環境與景觀改變之基礎識覺資料,使用識覺投射技術確認烏來地區72張文化景觀照片,續以多重分類及Q方法進行照片分類,從多重分類法取得之量化資料再以多元尺度及集群分析進行環境識覺歸納;Q方法則運用當地發展偏好來評定照片順序與群組相關之特徵。最後得到6類文化景觀群組,依受訪者對類型之描述語意交集收斂命名為:『產業生產景觀』、『公共與社會交誼景觀』、『觀光衝擊景觀』、『傳統觀光景觀』、『原住民生活景觀』、『遊憩設施景觀』;而識覺差異亦表現於『發展之適合度』、『人工與自然環境』、『傳統觀光與觀光衝擊』此三維度。 第三階段為烏來地區文化景觀類型與意涵之探討,配合深度訪談理解原鄉文化景觀中,公共與社會交誼與原住民生活景觀再現其日常生活之交流、傳承與保存之重要意義。透過量化與質性研究法歸納與分析當地居民對地方發展之文化景觀環境識覺,理解過去傳統觀光活動不僅可增加工作機會更傳達了原住民族文化,也透過社會組織與團體回應地方觀光發展之社會環境變遷。因此,原鄉觀光發展計畫仍需針對居民之環境識覺及文化景觀意涵加以研擬,方能引導出由下而上之凝聚力量以帶動原鄉社區永續發展。
This study is focusing on investigating the cultural landscapes of environmental perceptions of Wulai aboriginal community that has rapidly changed, primarily due to tourism and associated development. Firstly, 72 photographs of cultural landscape were collected from the projective mapping technique was employed to identify a range of local environmental settings. Than using two photographic sorting tasks (Multiple-sort and Q-sort), the researcher applied Multidimensional Scaling to analyze this situation with the quantitative perspective. It is found that six setting/cultural landscape feature types: productive pattern, public and assembled space, tourism impact, traditional tourism, aboriginal natural life, and recreational facilities. In addition, three underlying dimensions were found to discriminate between above six settings: (1) dimension of suitability of change, (2) dimension of built versus natural environments and (3) dimension of development process. At last, the implications of cultural landscape of the inhabitant’s perceptions and suggestions for tourism development through intensive interviews. “Public and assembled space” and “aboriginal natural life” landscapes are most important place of preserving traditional cultural and represent their way of living style. The combination of quantitative and qualitative methods used in this study may have utility for identifying and assessing cultural landscape perceptions. The study provided the government authority to enhance the local aboriginal traditional culture with a better way to communicate; it aids to motivate the suitable regional development.



文化景觀, 環境識覺, 多元尺度法, 烏來地區, Cultural Landscape, Environment Perception, Multidimensional Scaling, Wulai Aboriginal Community





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