

本研究旨在探討一般民眾對風水理念及對室內設計的種種看法及相關態度之情況。根據受測者在「風水與工程行為相關態度調查問卷」上的答題結果,進行有關層面整體以及分層面之平均數、標準差分析,及變異數分析。經研究結果摘述如下: 一、一般民眾受風水觀念的影響程度,與性別無關。 二、年齡增長在風水的認知態度上也相對增長。 三、學歷越高,風水認知的程度也越高。 四、風水觀念對於天主教或基督教徒以及無信仰者比較沒有影響,對於一般民間信仰者、信仰道教者、信仰佛教者則有顯著的影響。 五、會找風水師來看風水者,明顯較容易受到風水觀念的影響。
This research discusses about Feng-Shui and its effect to interior design. The study focuses on the related concepts and attitude toward general people. The researcher applies several analyses, including average, standard deviation, and variance analysis to the answers retrieved from subjects participating in the survey of "Relevant Attitude toward Feng-Shui and Engineering Behavior." The analyses are proceeded in both the overall and separated layers' prospect. The results are as following: 1. To general people, there is no difference between gender and the degree of being influenced by the concept of Feng-Shui. 2. To general people, the cognitive attitude toward Feng-Shui develops when they age. 3. The higher education general people get, the more cognitive attitude toward Feng-Shui they have. 4. The concept of Feng-Shui shows no relevant difference among the Catholics, the Christians, or atheists while it relevantly influences people who believe in the folk religion, Taoism, or Buddhism. 5. People who ask Feng-Shui are relevantly influenced by the concept of Feng-Shui.



風水觀念, 室內設計, 風水認知, Concept of Feng-Shui, interior design, knowledge of Feng-Shui





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