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本研究旨在探究初顯成人之愛情關係發展、分手與轉化之經驗,及其在經歷分手失落後自我轉化之內涵。研究對象為三位於初顯成人階段經歷愛情分手者,該段感情橫跨大學畢業至出社會工作,並且在分手失落後經歷轉化。研究者透過擬定訪談大綱,以半結構的方式進行訪談,由研究參與者的經驗敘說個人生命故事,並以敘事研究之「整體—內容」、「類別—內容」方法進行分析。 本研究結果發現:(一)初顯成人階段愛情關係的發展與分手經驗具有發展階段之特性:其受到發展階段轉換影響,使得個人對關係的需要、考量隨之改變;(二)本研究三位研究參與者初顯成人階段分手失落至轉化的突破,分別在靈性、心理功能與外在行動三個不同的面向展現自身生命獨特的優勢;(三)分手失落後自我轉化的內涵分別為:由負向到正向的自我感、關係中自我的重新協調、為失落的經驗找到正向意義,並進一步發現,上述三個層面的轉化具有「動態性」與「連續性」兩個特性;(四)本研究亦發現,經歷分手失落之初顯成人,由於階段轉換,在因應分手經驗時,可能同時面對生涯或是其他階段轉換的多重困境,使其在分手經驗中擁有額外的壓力。
This study aimed to explore the relationship of emerging adult, which included the experiences of progression in love, breakup, transformation and the self-transformation of relationship. The research subjects were three individuals who underwent breakup during emerging adulthood. The relationship had been longitudinal, starting at college and ending at the beginning of career. The researcher developed an interview outline and conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews. The data was collected by interviewing participants'  life stories and analyzed by narrative research methods in qualitative research.   The results of the study found that: (1) The progression and separation in relationship of emerging adult showed the characteristics of emerging adulthood. Due to various stages of psychological development, the needs and expectations for each individual changed. (2) From the loss of relationship in emerging adulthood to transformation, the three subjects demonstrated unique strengths respectively in distinctive aspects, which were spirituality, psychological function, and external action. (3) The self-transformations of post loss of relationship in this study is in accordance with literature, which were shifting from a passive self-recognition to positivity, re-coordinating the position of oneself in a relationship, and finding positive meaning from a devastating experience. The three aspects above shared the quality of “motility” and “continuity”. (4) Emerging adult experiencing loss of relationship undertook excessive stress due to the fact that they were also facing a transition phase with multiple challenges in their life or career.



初顯成人, 初顯成人階段, 愛情分手, 分手失落, 轉化, 自我轉化, emerging adult, emerging adulthood, breakup, loss of relationship, transformation, self-transformation





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