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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
本研究旨在探討正向管教獲獎國中教師在困擾情境中如何採取最有效的管教策略,以達正向管教目的。研究一目的在搜集教師管教情境,以立意抽樣選取30 位國中教師為參與者,整理歸納出最令教師困擾的管教情境。結果發現,最令教師感到困擾的前三類管教情境分別為:(1)課堂上及反覆發生的違規行為;(2)學習意願低落;(3)同儕糾紛。針對研究一結果,研究二目的在搜集正向管教得獎教師在前三類困擾情境中之管教策略,針對27 位參加教育部正向管教範例徵選獲獎之國中教師進行開放性問卷調查,將所得資料進行內容分析,依照各情境回覆內容編碼成七個主類目,分別為:(1)確實有效運用規範;(2)教師充分運用輔導技巧解決問題;(3)教導學生建立責任心並接受管教;(4)教師身教運用教學技巧並進行自我反思;(5)發揮同儕的影響力;(6)善用支持系統;(7)事後追蹤。最後,整理出一套教師正向管教有效策略流程圖,提出具體建議做為相關單位與未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this research was to investigate how positive discipline awarded teachers use effective strategies in disturbing discipline situations. There were two studies in this research. The first study collected discipline situations from a purposive sample of 30 teachers who teach in junior high schools with questionnaires, and identified top three disturbing discipline situations as: (a) disbehaviors in class and other repeated disbehaviors, (b) lower willingness to learn, and (c) disputements between peers. Based on the findings of the first study, the second study collected discipline strategies from 27 teachers who won the Positive Discipline Award with open-ended questionnaires. It was found that the most effective strategies in the top three disturbing discipline situations were: (a) use regulation effectively, (b) use counseling skills to solve problems, (c) instruct students to take responsibility for the consequences of their misbehaviors and accept discipline, (d) be a role model for students and use teaching skills effectively, (e) exert peer influence, (f) make good use of supporting systems, and (g) track afterward. Finally, a process chart of positive discipline was developed, concrete suggestions for teachers and education authorities were provided, and directions for future studies were discussed.
The purpose of this research was to investigate how positive discipline awarded teachers use effective strategies in disturbing discipline situations. There were two studies in this research. The first study collected discipline situations from a purposive sample of 30 teachers who teach in junior high schools with questionnaires, and identified top three disturbing discipline situations as: (a) disbehaviors in class and other repeated disbehaviors, (b) lower willingness to learn, and (c) disputements between peers. Based on the findings of the first study, the second study collected discipline strategies from 27 teachers who won the Positive Discipline Award with open-ended questionnaires. It was found that the most effective strategies in the top three disturbing discipline situations were: (a) use regulation effectively, (b) use counseling skills to solve problems, (c) instruct students to take responsibility for the consequences of their misbehaviors and accept discipline, (d) be a role model for students and use teaching skills effectively, (e) exert peer influence, (f) make good use of supporting systems, and (g) track afterward. Finally, a process chart of positive discipline was developed, concrete suggestions for teachers and education authorities were provided, and directions for future studies were discussed.