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中興新村是第二次世界大戰後國民政府疏遷計畫下的產物,係由國家力量及資本移植西方造鎮計畫「田園城市」(Garden City)設計理念建構而成的第二行政中心,而在西元1998年省府虛級化以及1999年的九二一大地震以降,經歷兩次政黨輪替的政治角力與協商,將不同的空間想像加諸於此,陸續規劃大學城、非政府組織(NGO)國際會議中心、渡假型生活園區藝術村等計畫未果,直至2009年行政院核定中興新村為「高等研究園區」,今日同時具有「高等研究園區」與「文化景觀」矛盾的雙重屬性。 本文旨在探究中興新村的空間治理,由行政特區轉化為高等研究園區,梳理中興新村區域發展的軌跡,解構其空間治理模式的改變;再者,透過田野深度訪談與參與觀察,以結構化歷程分析權益關係人間(stakeholders)的交互作用,政府由上而下的統治(Steuerung,即英語的steering)轉化為治理(governance)的上下互動協商,權益關係人間的相互調適過程,尋找新的空間定位。 中興新村作為一個具有多重屬性的特殊空間場域,空間利用與地景的變遷著實有其特殊性,中興新村的再發展案例,跳脫傳統線性思考與二元論的囹圄,解構並重新建構一個歷史場域的存在意義與價值,並嘗試在治理的途徑中尋求第三條路,在結構與能動中調和,發現中興新村的價值。
Chung-Hsing New Village (CNV) was a product of national capital relocation of the Taiwan provincial government of ROC in 1956. It was the second national administrative center by adapting Garden City concept as a pursuit of modernization. With the downsizing of Taiwan’s provincial government in 1998 and the 921 earthquake in 1999, CNV was faced with various spatial imaginations under the national and local political wrestling and negotiations. Plans for reusing CNV, such as college town, international NGO convention center, and artist village, all failed as a result of unbalancing stakeholders. However, in a 2009 plan of the Executive Yuan designated CNV into a national "Advanced Research Park", which makes it to have both roles of a national research park and a cultural landscape. As the two roles may be contradictory, the spatial governance of CNV becomes significant. This thesis aims to explore the spatial governance of CNV. To understand the transforming process from administrative center to a research park, this thesis reviews the historic and political context of the village, and deconstructs its spatial governance mode. Further, based on field research and participant observation, the thesis analyzes the relationship among all stakeholders from Giddens’ structuration perspective. This study reveals the political negotiations that transform a steering government process into a governing process, and tries to locate a new spatial orientation for CNV. Being a multi-facet spatial field, CNV’s spatial use and its landscape change demonstrate particular national symbols and local expectations. In the present case of re-developing CNV, linear and duality thinking should be avoided, so that a better deconstruction and reconstruction of the spatial meaning and the historical value could be possible. By analyzing a third way in the process of spatial governance, reconciling between structure and agency may lead to a better way of re-locating the value of Chung-Hsing New Village.



結構化歷程, 權益關係人, 空間治理, 中興新村, structuration, urban governance, stakeholders, Chung-Hsing New Village





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