社群網站上,心理安全性以及自我效能在 社會資本影響使用者知識分享行為上所扮演的中介角色

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隨著電腦以及網路的普及,愈來愈多的社群網站隨之出現。社群網站不僅對個體在溝通與分享知識上帶來影響,也對商業帶來了利益。這些影響吸引了研究人員以及行銷人員的興趣。過去雖然有許多關於社群網站的研究,但大多聚焦在個體的社群網站使用行為以及探索性的分析。本篇論文是依照Wasko and Faraj在2005年提出的三個社會資本理論模型──結構性社會資本、認知性社會資以及關係性社會資本對於個體在知識分享行為上具有正向影響力並增加了知識分享自我效能以及心理安全性的中介角色。透過439個有效樣本的問卷調查,研究結果顯示:認知性的社會資本對於個體在社群網站上的知識分享行為正向影響效果最大;而知識分享自我效能則擁有最大的中介效果。這項研究結果不論是對於研究或是管理上都帶來了相當大的貢獻。
With the prevalence of computer and internet, there are more and more social network sites emerging. Social network sites not only bring impact on individuals’ way to communicate and share knowledge with each other but also bring amazing benefit to commerce. This catches marketers’ and researchers’ interest. Although there were some study about social network sites, most of them focus on individuals’ using behavior or exploratory research. This paper is based on the conceptual model: the three facets of social capital: structural, cognitive and relational social capital have positive influence on individuals’ knowledge sharing behavior proposed by Wasko and Faraj (2005) and the mediating role of knowledge sharing self-efficacy and psychological safety. Through questionnaires with 439 samples, the results showed that cognitive social capital has the strongest positive influence on individuals’ knowledge sharing behavior on social network sites and knowledge sharing self-efficacy has strong mediating effects. The results provide creative contribution to future research and managerial implication.



社群網站, 社會資本, 知識分享行為, 心理安全性, 知識分享自我效能, 因素分析, Social network sites, Social capital, Knowledge sharing behavior, Psychological safety, Knowledge sharing self-efficacy, Factor analysis





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