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本研究旨在了解「翻轉教學」在國中英語教學方面的應用,包括英語差異化教學、英語資賦優異教學和英語補救教學。採用質性研究的訪談法,以教學現場中的三位國中英語教師,進行三次的深度訪談,以了解「翻轉教學」在這三種不同的教學情境當中,其教材的準備工作、實施的方式、實施的成果,以及實施過程中,所面臨的困難和挑戰等,一一的予以釐清和說明,並做一個綜合的分析和歸納。 本研究結果分析如下:第一、「翻轉教學」運用於英語教學當中,在提升學生課堂的學習動機和參與方面,三位個案教師均認為有明顯的改變。第二、在學習成效方面,差異化教學的成效較差,資賦優異教學的實施成效非常理想,補救教學也有相當佳的實施成效。第三、三位教師都認為最大的挑戰就是教材的準備不易,再來就是上課方式的改變等,都是要去克服和做調整的部分。三位個案教師均認為,英語的教學,應該根據學生的程度,分成不同的級數,除了讓教師可以在教材的準備上和教師的教學上,更為聚焦之外,還可以讓程度相近的學生,有更多和同儕學習及互動的空間。最後根據研究的發現做成結論,並對未來研究方向,提出建議。
This study is mainly disscusing the application of flipped learning on junior high school’s English teaching and learning. This is a case study focusing on three types of classroom learning—differentiated instruction, gifted students learning, and remedial teaching. To get more details about the preparatory work before class, student’s learning activities, and student’s learning outcome, qualitative research methods are adopted in this case study to gather data, including interviewing three junior high school English teachers and analyzing collected information. The research results are as follows: First, afterreceiving flipped learning, most of the students show higher interests in taking part in class learning activities. Sencond, as to the learning performance, differentiated instruction shows the least effect, remedial teaching have quite siginificant improvement on students learning, and gifted students show the most desirable effect. Third, the common challenges for three English teachers are the heavy burden of the preparatory work and the complete change of teaching and learning style, which needs great determination and effort to overcome and adjust. At last, three English teachers all agree that before students take English classes, they should be divided into different learning groups according to their actual English abilities. If the similar level students can be in the same group, English teachers are able to focus more on the the preparatory work and teaching activities. By doing so, students with peers having closer abilities can have better interaction and discussion. Finally, based on the findings, the results and suggestions of the study are presented for further research on flipped learning in the future.



翻轉教學, 英語差異化教學, 資賦優異教學, 補救教學, flipped learning, differentiated instruction, gifted students learning, remedial teaching





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