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摘要 國內對餐旅相關行業人員的整體職涯發展的研究較為缺乏,因此,本研究針對我國國際觀光旅館餐飲部門現職高階主管人員進行研究,以獲得其職涯歷程、發展情形與影響因素之完整性資料,掌握職涯發展的關鍵因素,進而對餐飲人力培育及人力資源管理有所裨益。具體而言,本研究目的如下:(一)探討國際觀光旅館餐飲部門高階主管人員職涯發展的意涵。(二)瞭解國際觀光旅館餐飲部門高階主管人員職涯發展的現象。(三)瞭解國際觀光旅館餐飲部門高階主管人員職涯發展的影響因素。(四)探討國際觀光旅館餐飲部門高階主管人員職涯發展各階段的職能與職涯轉換的影響因素。(五)建構及詮釋國際觀光旅館餐飲部門高階主管人員職涯發展之情境模式。 本研究採詮釋學的質性研究方法,以有效達成研究目的。以立意取樣的深度抽樣(intensity sampling)、差異抽樣(variation sampling)及滾雪球抽樣(snowball sampling)三種抽樣方法尋得符合研究目的且能充分代表研究現象、提供豐富資訊的研究樣本十四位。以深度訪談為主要的蒐集資料方法,採半結構式訪談大綱為主要研究工具,訪談時藉由研究者的理論觸覺及掌握訪談技巧,達到深入追問及發現談話內容的深層意義。每位受訪者的訪談時間為80-190分鐘,整個研究歷時三個多月完成資料的蒐集。並以下列方法進行資料的信效度檢核:資料內容一致性的確定(cross-check)、資料來源多元化、研究同儕的討論、相異個案資料的蒐集(negative case analysis)、資料的再驗證(member-check)、回饋性效度檢核。 將深度訪談所獲得的資料進行質性資料的分析(Qualitative Data Analysis)。分析時掌握紮根理論法(grounded theory)的精神,並以WinMax98pro版的質性資料分析電腦軟體協助編碼(coding)及資料的管理。研究之重要結果如下: 1.我國國際觀光旅館餐飲部門高階主管人員職涯發展是自我學習成長、自我認知統整與自我實踐的歷程,也是連續動態的工作轉換的歷程。 2.「從業態度」是影響職涯發展的關鍵因素,包含工作熱忱與興趣、敬業精神以及個人對工作或行業的價值信念,其中價值信念包括準備觀、適配觀、終生職涯觀,以及以準備觀為前提的轉換觀。 3.整體職涯發展呈現非傳統的職涯發展現象:多重的、自主性的、動態的職涯發展,以及存在職涯高原現象。 4.高階主管呈現性別隔離現象,結婚、生殖家庭對兩性職涯發展有不同的影響。 5.整體職涯發展是以職能成熟及職務角色的發展來劃分階段,最終達到自我實踐的職能發揮,整體歷程共分為入行前試探期、新進入期、紮根期、專業潛能開發期、自我發揮期、自我實踐期等六個職能發展階段,以及領班、廳經理、總監(協理)三個關鍵職務角色。 6.影響個人「離職/中斷工作」與「組織承諾--留職/在同一組織內轉換」的情境脈絡是不同的。 7.職涯發展影響因素是多重情境的生態系統模式,共發展出「留職」、「離職」與「職涯發展各階段工作轉換」等三個情境生態模式。 8.人群互動、工作樂趣、成就感是職涯承諾的最大支持力,而影響整體職涯發展的衍生情境因素有人群互動、組織文化、支持系統、成就感、工作樂趣、適配度、業績表現、工作士氣、自我效能、組織承諾、升遷機會、工作不滿意、工作壓力、工作挫折、工作倦怠、工作瓶頸等。 根據研究結果,對國際觀光旅館餐飲部門之職涯管理、個人的職涯規劃以及餐旅教育方面提出建議,並對研究進行省思,提出後續研究之建議。
Abstract Career management has been key issue to human resource management. The main purposes of this study were to (a) understand the career path of high-level managers at the food and beverage department of international tourist hotels;(b) understand the phenomena of career development for the high-level managers at the food and beverage department of international tourist hotels;(c) explore the main influential factors that influenced career development;(d) explore the competency of career development and the main influential factors that influenced career stage transition;and (e) construct the ecological system models of career development. Qualitative research methods were employed to fulfill the objectives. Intensity sampling, variation sampling and snowball sampling were used to get interviewees. Semi-structured in-depth interview was conducted to fourteen high-level managers from international tourist hotels. Each interview took about 80-190 minutes, and totally took more than three months to finish all interviews. Grounded theory was employed to analyze the qualitative data. WinMax98pro software was operated to manage the qualitative data and open coding. The cross-check, multiple data, member-check, negative case analysis and feed-back check were used to confirm the validity of data. According to the analysis of interview content, the main findings were as follows: (1) Career development of high-level managers at F&B department was as the process of growing experience, self-cognition, and self-realization. (2) “Attitude” was the most important influential factor, including getting ready concept, person-to-organization fit, careerism and the career transitory concept. (3) The holistic career development appeared non-tradition phenomena which were: nonlinear dynamics of phase transitions, the protean career, the spiral career path, the self-evolving and the career plateau. (4) Glass-ceiling and glass-wall existed for female managers. (5) Six stages of career development were: exploration, new entry, root-age, professional performance, self-expression and self-realization. (6) The factors that influenced retention and turnover were different. (7) Three ecological system models of career development were constructed: the retention, the turnover and the stage transition of career development. (8) The interpersonal relationship, the pleasure of work and the achievement of job were the most advantageous factors to career commitment. Lastly, some recommendations for personal career development, institutional career management and further research were proposed.



職涯發展, 生態系統, 國際觀光旅館, 質性研究, 紮根理論, Career development, Ecological system, International tourist hotel, Qualitative research, Grounded theory





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