
dc.contributorLee, Chi-Mingen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Yi-Youen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究探討新北市國中導師道德思辯能力及其知覺班級道德領導,並分析兩者之間的相關。藉由比較不同背景變項的導師道德思辯能力與知覺班級道德領導,以檢視影響國中導師道德思辯能力與班級道德領導之因素,期望以此對現今國中階段學校道德教育推展,以及建構班級道德社群提供建言。本研究採用問卷調查法,使用「道德思考與溝通能力量表」與「知覺班級道德領導問卷」,研究對象為104學年度任教新北市之國中導師,發出400份問卷回收352份有效問卷。資料蒐集後,使用IBM SPSS for WINDOWS 22.0統計軟體進行分析,研究結果如下:一、新北市國中導師道德思辯能力居於基準點,但受試者的道德思辯能力個別差異相當大,其中以道德判斷最強而道德論辯最弱,部份導師仍有精進加強的空間。二、不同年齡層及不同任職導師年資的導師在道德感知要項能力上具有部分差異;不同學校規模的導師在道德決定要項能力上具有部分差異。三、新北市國中導師自我感知之班級道德領導顯著高於基準點,自信程度較高,其中以關懷倫理最高而批判倫理最低。四、不同年齡層的導師在自我感知之整體班級道德領導具有部分差異;不同年齡層以及有無參加教師專業發展評鑑的導師,在自我感知之批判倫理要項具有部分差異。五、新北市國中導師道德思辯能力與知覺班級道德領導之相關微乎其微。基於本研究之結論提出以下建議:一、提升國中導師的道德思辯能力,尤須強調道德感知與道德論辯;二、培養在職導師的道德敏感度,避免單一價值或思維僵化;三、強化國中導師自我反思的機會,藉以增強其班級道德領導的批判倫理。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this study are to explore homeroom teachers’ moral thinking and communication competencies and their perceived moral leadership in junior high school classes of New Taipei City, and to analyze the correlation between the both as well. This study focuses on the comparison of homeroom teachers’ scores across background variables in order to improve the theory and practice of moral education in junior high schools and would further provide suggestions for homeroom teahchers as well. The researcher utilized questionnaires which are “Moral Thinking and Communication Scale” and “Perceived Moral Leadership in Classroom Questionnaire”. A questionnaire survey is conducted by dispatching 400 questionnaires and 352 valid questionnaires to homeroom teachers of the 104 school year in junior high school classes of New Taipei City. After gathering the data, the researcher calculated IBM SPSS for WINDOWS 22.0 statistical software for analysis. The main research results are as follows. First, the scores of homeroom teachers’ moral thinking and communication competencies equal to the benchmark but there exist large interindividual variation. The moral judgment scores are the highest and moral discourse scores are the lowest. The overall performance is not satisfying. Second, variables of “age group” and “working period of homeroom teaching” have significant differences on moral awareness scores. Variable of “school size” has a statistically significant difference on the competency of moral decision-making scores. Third, the homeroom teachers’ perceived moral leadership scores are significantly higher than average score. It shows that the homeroom teachers’ attitudes of perceived moral leadership are positive and enthusiastic. The care ethics scores are the highest andcritical ethics scores are the lowest. Fourth, variable of “age group” has a significant difference on moral leadership scores. Variables of “age group” and “participated in teacher evaluation for profession development” have significant differences on critical ethics scores. Fifth, the correlation between homeroom teachers’ moral thinking and communication competencies and their perceived moral leadership is low. Based on the results, the researcher offers the following recommendations. The first suggestion is to enhance homeroom teachers’ competencies in moral thinking and communication, especially to emphasize moral awareness and moral discourse. The second suggestion is to improve in-service homeroom teachers’ moral sensitivity for avoiding a single value or rigid thinking. Last but not least, to increase the opportunities of homeroom teachers in self-reflection for enhancing its critical ethics of moral leadership in the classroom.en_US
dc.subjecthomeroom teachers of the junior high schoolsen_US
dc.subjectmoral thinking and communication competenciesen_US
dc.subjectmoral leadershipen_US
dc.subjectclassroom managementen_US
dc.titleA Study on Homeroom Teachers’ Moral Thinking and Communication Competencies and their Perceived Moral Leadership of Junior High School Classes in New Taipei Cityen_US


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