
dc.contributorChi-Ming Leeen_US
dc.contributor.authorChiau-Jen Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究基於全球化之背景,以及國際社會合作互助之趨勢,傳統之公民觀念已因時代的變遷受到挑戰。當今許多國家所遭遇「全球風險」之議題時,往往無法單獨解決,公民不再是一國的公民,而是整個地球村的公民。因此,當今之公民觀已延伸至世界的層次當中,產生世界公民之概念。 在現今國際合作濃厚的氣氛下,以及筆者實際從事緬甸國際志工之經驗,本研究之目的旨在探究,國際志願服務所彰顯之世界公民觀及其多元面向開展,以及台灣之大學校院學生國際志工服務團隊,如何開展其世界公民觀並加以實踐,以及其轉變歷程。本研究採用焦點團體訪談之質化研究方法,輔以文件分析法,以兩個於2008年至緬甸從事教育服務之大專校院團隊為研究對象。經由國際志工們所獲得的學習及反思進行資料的蒐集,探討國際志工於跨界層次實踐領域中,其世界公民觀的開展。 本研究共獲得七項發現如下:一、藉由緬甸文化與緬華文化的多元文化學習,國際志工產生跨文化跨族群理解並學會尊重,促進跨文化與跨族群對話與共生;二、國際志工經由服務表現出感同身受的關懷,以及易地而處的同理心,充分展現跨國界生命與共的情懷;三、國際志工服務開闊國際志工不同面向的視野與觀察,以及增廣見聞促進對跨國事務的關注,擴展跨領域的全球視野與在地觀察;四、國際志工團隊展現團結合作力量大,以及溝通能化危機為轉機的力量,增進國際志工跨場域合作的能力;五、國際志工服務提升專業與解決問題之能力;六、國際志工服務促進公民參與。七、國際志工服務為培養世界公民有效之管道。 本研究基於研究發現,謹提出四項建議:一、針對世界公民觀之開展,大學校院國際志工服務團隊宜有周全規劃行前訓練以瞭解受服務地區之文化、國際志工宜增強「感同身受」與「易地而處」之知能、國際志工應充實各種社會科領域的知識、志願服務團隊要分工合作且互信互賴,以及志願服務者於教育服務方面需具備專業知能;二、國際志工實踐省思世界公民觀之心態,宜出於關懷而非可憐受服務者、國際志工宜不斷地檢視自身之價值觀與認知態度,且志願服務者宜用心體會與反思;三、國際志工服務團隊應有不同的輔導機制;四、後續研究之主題宜多層面探討、研究方法應多元深度運用,以及研究對象宜以多元之型態探究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGlobalization impacts people in many ways, as it requires the transition to new citizenship which spans the boundaries of nations, culture, race, field, and space. Today, many countries face various “global risks” and need the collaboration of international government organizations, international non-governmental organizations (INGO), and the private efforts of citizens to overcome such problems. Volunteers working for INGO’s achieve great advancements in the area of international affairs. Also, I experienced valuable benefit to being an international volunteer in 2008 at Myanmar. Therefore, the purpose of this research will be to document the accounts of college students who became international volunteers, with information on their overall experience and work as a volunteer, and the overall effect the experience had in developing global citizenship. The methodology is based on qualitative study, and methods included group interview, and documentary analysis to discuss the research of two groups of college students, labeled as groups A and B. In 2008, both groups went to Myanmar Chinese schools for voluntary service. The research revealed that the experience from volunteering abroad can explore, develop, and even transform the characters, ideas, and overall attitude of global citizenship. Through the process of their service, the student volunteers reflect their breaking the limitation of the boundary, while experiencing intercultural diversity, international caring, interfiled partnership, new ideas, and attitude. Consequently, my findings sum up seven results of global citizenship characters through international volunteering as follows: 1. International volunteering can promote the ability of international dialogue while learning to live with different ethnic groups during the experience of international volunteer. 2. International volunteers can enrich and develop international caring and concern through “feel how they feel” and “if I were them”. 3. International volunteer can broaden a volunteer’s international view in “think globally and act locally” while cultivating the open mind of observation and reflection. 4. International volunteering can enhance the ability of international teamwork, communication and interfiled partnership. 5. International volunteering can promote professional capability while developing problem solving skills. 6. International volunteering can provide an extensive chance of youth civic engagement. 7. International volunteering provides a profoundly effective method in developing global citizenship. The findings have implications for those practicing and researching in the field of global citizenship, included the international voluntary training, knowledge of social sciences, trust, and professional capacity of service. Secondly, for those international volunteers, the attitude toward the service should be caring, but not compassion. Finally, for further research should in multiple ways.en_US
dc.subjectglobal citizenshipen_US
dc.subjectinternational voluntaryen_US
dc.subjectMyanmar Chinese schoolsen_US
dc.titleA Study on Experiencing and Development Global Citizenship of College Students – Based on the Experience of Two International Volunteering Groups at Myanmaren_US


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