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九年一貫課程將資訊教育列為六大議題之首,凸顯教師在教學的現場中應使教學活動與資訊活動結合在一起,以達事倍功半之效。將資訊融入教學後,如何提供學生一個有效的學習方法,便成為許多學者的研究方向。本研究結合專題式導向學習(Project-Based Learning,簡稱PBL)及大六教學法(簡稱Big6),探討國中生在專題式學習的導引下,學習六大資訊技能的情形,並分析影響其學習成效的因素。
Research of incorporating big six skills into a project-based website for junior high school students Abstract Grade 1-9 curriculum arranges information education as the top of 6 issues to further estimate that teachers should integrate the teaching activities with information activities together to yield twice the result with half the effort. After information incorporating into teaching, the method for providing an effective learning to students becomes a research direction of the academic circle. The present research evaluates the status of learning 6 information skills and analyzes the factors affecting the learning effects of junior high school students under the guidance of PBL by combining Project-Based Learning (PBL) with Big six skills (Big6). According to the related research, PBL is an effective teaching method, and classified as a learning method of construction orientation that mainly provides the students a highly complicate and real project-based plan to conduct a series of activities so as to complete the purpose of effective learning; and Big6 can improve the information skills of learners by 6 learning stages. The present research arranges the researchers to enter the teaching sites and observe the status of students applying 6 information skills by using action research method, that is Task Definition, Information Seeking Strategies, Location of and Access to Information, Use of Information, Synthesis and Evaluating, etc., while observing the cognition and affection change of students during the process of completing the project-based website, and at last analyzes and induces the factors affecting the learning effects. The research is mainly based on 20 grade 7 students of project-based website of junior high school of Taipei city as the object of research, conducts by separating the students into different groups in the activities class, and uses 30 class to conduct the teaching activities of incorporating big six skills into a project-based website during the whole semester. The present research shows that the curriculum policy of combining Project-Based Learning with Big six skills can effectively improve the learning interesting and information skills of students. The background of team members, decision-making process of projected topic, leading style of team leader and interaction of team members are the main factors of affecting students to build the project-based website. Furthermore, according to the result, the research specifically provides an effective teaching plan that can help not only to improve the learning effect of students for building the teaching of incorporating Big 6 teaching method into a project-based website but also to provide a reference for teachers to design a curriculum of building a project-based website of junior high school students. Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Information equipment, Big6, PBL
Research of incorporating big six skills into a project-based website for junior high school students Abstract Grade 1-9 curriculum arranges information education as the top of 6 issues to further estimate that teachers should integrate the teaching activities with information activities together to yield twice the result with half the effort. After information incorporating into teaching, the method for providing an effective learning to students becomes a research direction of the academic circle. The present research evaluates the status of learning 6 information skills and analyzes the factors affecting the learning effects of junior high school students under the guidance of PBL by combining Project-Based Learning (PBL) with Big six skills (Big6). According to the related research, PBL is an effective teaching method, and classified as a learning method of construction orientation that mainly provides the students a highly complicate and real project-based plan to conduct a series of activities so as to complete the purpose of effective learning; and Big6 can improve the information skills of learners by 6 learning stages. The present research arranges the researchers to enter the teaching sites and observe the status of students applying 6 information skills by using action research method, that is Task Definition, Information Seeking Strategies, Location of and Access to Information, Use of Information, Synthesis and Evaluating, etc., while observing the cognition and affection change of students during the process of completing the project-based website, and at last analyzes and induces the factors affecting the learning effects. The research is mainly based on 20 grade 7 students of project-based website of junior high school of Taipei city as the object of research, conducts by separating the students into different groups in the activities class, and uses 30 class to conduct the teaching activities of incorporating big six skills into a project-based website during the whole semester. The present research shows that the curriculum policy of combining Project-Based Learning with Big six skills can effectively improve the learning interesting and information skills of students. The background of team members, decision-making process of projected topic, leading style of team leader and interaction of team members are the main factors of affecting students to build the project-based website. Furthermore, according to the result, the research specifically provides an effective teaching plan that can help not only to improve the learning effect of students for building the teaching of incorporating Big 6 teaching method into a project-based website but also to provide a reference for teachers to design a curriculum of building a project-based website of junior high school students. Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Information equipment, Big6, PBL
專題式學習, 大六教學法, 資訊素養, Project-Based Learning, PBL, Big 6, information equipment