布洛(E. Bullough)的心理距離說及其教育蘊義

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本研究旨在探討英國美學家Edward Bullough的心理距離說及其教育價值。首先,透過詮釋學、分析哲學之方法,了解其生平、所處之時代脈絡,概覽整體思想背景及重要性;其次,探討心理距離說的重要內容,並佐以其他相關理論及作品加以補充;進而,以訪談法訪談學校教師,藉以分析教育場域中,教師在教材選擇、教學形式、師生關係、親師互動與同事相處等五大面向上,如何掌握心理距離的關係。 綜合前述研究,研究成果可歸結為幾個要點: 一、 理論方面:Bullough的心理距離說為其美學思想核心,而心理距離是美感經驗產生的可能徑路之一,適切(不即不離)的心理距離是動態的,距離只是程度上的差異等美學意涵。 二、 實踐方面:保持合適的心理距離即以教育愛為核心的教育實踐,教師依據教育愛的持距力是教育美感能否產生的要素,而促進學生與家長參與教育並不會減損教育的價值。 最後歸納Edward Bullough心理距離說之教育價值,作為教育發展之參考: 一、 教師的持距力可以透過經驗的累積與省思獲得精進:教育實踐的過程中,教師應不斷改善距離限制,並依據教育愛的內涵,與教育對象保持適切的距離,透過心理距離的拉近與拉遠,教師能超脫現實生活中的我執與欲利,以全新的眼光諦視教育對象的面貌,進而創造教育的價值。 二、 學生美感經驗的塑造:教師與學生相處時,其持距力應根據學生的特性進行調整。藉由心理距離的介入,教師能對習以為常的教育環境「陌生化」,適時的「留白」,從而更能接納學生、欣賞學生。 三、 教師與家長的教育伙伴關係:教師藉由持距力適時拉近家長與教育的距離,促使教師與家長的教養觀念趨於一致,以促進學生發展為依歸,促使學生透過教育,找到自己的優勢能力進而能發揮所長。 四、 教師與同事間的友伴支持系統:同事之間,恰如其分的距離保持才能協助學生內化自我價值,而非涉入過多的利害關係。教師亦應適度抽離,並在教育愛的引導下重回教育本體,使學生的價值創造成為可能。
The purpose of this research is to explore Edward Bullough’s theory of Psychical Distance and its value on education. First, by utilizing the hermeneutics and analytic philosophy method, the lifetime and background of his theory are clearly identified. Secondly, the important contents of the theory of Psychical Distance are discussed by using other related theories and works. Furthermore, interviews are conducted to analyze how school teachers deal with the relationship of Psychical Distance, which includes choosing teaching materials, teaching forms, the relationship between teachers and students, the interaction between parents and teachers, and relationship with colleagues. There are two main findings of this research: 1. Bullough’s theory of Psychical Distance is the core of the aesthetic education. In addition, the Psychical Distance is an important approach to experience aesthetic education. The ‘utmost decrease of distance without its disappearance’ is dynamic and hard to be defined. 2. To keep proper Psychical Distance is the way to practice ‘pedagogical love’. One way to enhance the essence of the aesthetic education is promoting teachers’ ‘distancing-power’ of ‘pedagogical love’. The participation of students and parents does not undermine pedagogical value by keeping their distance. The contributions of this research are: 1. The teachers’ ‘distancing-power’ can be improved through teachers’ accumulated experiences and reflection: Teachers’ ‘distance-power’ is based on the meaning of ‘pedagogical love’. By keeping the Psychical Distance, teachers can look at the essence of education objects from a practical perspective. Moreover, the ‘distancing-power’ of teachers will be improved by using the ability of teachers' reflection, which is adjusting appropriate Psychical Distance from teachers’ experiences. 2. Shaping the aesthetic experiences for students: Teachers should appreciate every student’s potential ability and eliminate stereotypes of students by utilizing the theory of Psychical Distance. Furthermore, teachers can make teaching circumstances ‘defamiliarization’ and leave more spaces for teaching by using this theory. 3. Partnerships of teachers and parents: Teachers can decrease the distance of parents and teachers by using the ‘distancing-power'. Thus the gap of teaching concepts between teachers and parents will be decreased and students will get more chances to fulfill themselves. 4. Supporting system for teachers and their colleagues: One of the important responsibility of teachers is to maintain friendship and keep appropriate distance from their colleagues. By keeping appropriate distance, teachers can focus on students’ achievement and fulfillment by following the guideline of the ‘pedagogical love’.



愛德華‧布洛, 心理距離說, 教育美學, 美感經驗, 教育愛, 持距力, Edward Bullough, Psychical Distance, aesthetic education, aesthetic experience, pedagogical love, distancing-power





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