
dc.contributor.authorChiao-Huei, Wuen_US
dc.description.abstract文化創意園區的建立在歐美國家已行之有年,近年隨著政策的發展, 我國政府提出「規劃設置創意文化園區」計劃,以整備文化創意產業發展 環境。目前國內多數文化創意園區,透過產業遺址活化再利用,作為園區 基地的發展,將舊建築重新整修使用,但內容著重於現有空間之規畫,缺 乏對於視覺識別與形象建立的整體性風格,且較難與地方的文化特色進行 聯想,因此如何保留過去的原貌與特色且同時能夠使空間重新被利用,除 了建築與空間配置,也應配合整體的視覺形象進行規劃,利用視覺化的符號、圖像與色彩,將識別的精神充分傳達,使人們能夠直接的認識、理解 進而產生記憶與情感共鳴。 本研究針對文化創意園區之視覺形象建立進行探討,探討視覺形象及 識別要素於文化創意產業園區發展過程中所扮演的角色,建構文化創意園 區發展過程中視覺形象傳達性與設計性的表現,以導入美感與設計性的整 體規劃提升其產業價值,發展具有文化特色,又能引發消費者共鳴的文化 視覺形象及識別系統。透過文獻探討、案例分析與創作驗證進行討論,將 品牌的概念導入識別系統,利用識別系統提昇視覺形象。 本研究的主要結論計有: (1)文化創意園區的設置,目的在希望透過各種資源的整合,以有效率的 行政協助來創造一個完善的空間,提供研發、教育、展演及休憩等四大功能。 (2)目前國內多數文化創意園區,透過閒置土地與建物的再利用,作為 園區基地的發展,將舊建築重新整修使用,期許保留過去的歷史痕跡,但 於視覺識別的規劃,較難與地方的文化特色進行聯想,且缺乏統一的風格。 (3)將文獻探討、案例分析結果,經由設計過程與結果進行驗證,可將建 立視覺形象與視覺識別系統的架構分為規劃與設計兩個階段。 (4)透過視覺化的過程,將形象與想法具體化、圖像化,能夠達到最有效 且直接的傳達,並利用視覺識別系統作完整的規劃與管理,將識別形象烙 印在傳達對象的腦海中,使人們能夠直接的識認、理解進而產生情感。 (5) 文化創意園區視覺識別系統應用於環境形象的建立,可分為基本要 素的名稱、標準字、Logo、標準色等,應用要素衍生至身份識別型指標、 方向指示型指標、定位告示型指標、建築場館識別型指標、符號與管制型 指標及街道家具等。 (6)文化創意園區的視覺形象,應從空間、動線與視覺識別系統進行整體 規劃,經過完整的設計保留文化意象,利用圖像化設計,建立統一風格與 整體特色。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe establishment of the cultural and creative industries park has been carried out in European and American countries for many years. According to the development of policy in recent years, our government proposes the plan to establish cultural and creative industries park, in order to complete the environment for developing cultural and creative industries. Nowadays, many cultural and creative industries parks base on the reusing of inactive land and buildings and focus on the space planning and using. The visual image and identity system should combine with the local cultural characteristics, and let people recognize, understand and has the emotion. This research focuses on establishing visual image and identity system for cultural and creative industries park, and find out the character of visual image and identity to improve the communication of visual image and the representation of design. And through literature review, case studies and design practice to discuss and verify, we could import the brand concept into the identity system, and use identity system to promote the visual image. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The purpose of cultural and creative industries park is through the integration of resources and efficient administrative support to create a space, providing research, education, performances and rest. (2) Most of culture and creative industries parks in Taiwan reuse the inactive land and buildings, and expect to retain the traces of history. But the visual identity is still hard to associate with the local cultural characteristics. (3) Based on literature review, case studies and design practice to discuss and verify, the framework of establishing visual image and identity system is divided into plan and design two stages. (4) It’s the most effective and direct way to communicate through the process of visualization, and people can recognize, understand and has the emotion from the planning and management of identity system. (5) The factors used in identity system of cultural and creative industries park can be divided into standard letters, Logo, and standard color, and derivate to identity signs, direction signs, location signs, buildings signs, symbols, map and street furniture. (6) The visual image of the cultural and creative industries park should have full planning from space, moving route and identity system to keep the cultural image and establish uniform style.en_US
dc.subjectcultural and creative industriesen_US
dc.subjectcultural and creative industries parken_US
dc.subjectvisual image planningen_US
dc.subjectidentity systemen_US
dc.titleEstablishing the Visual image of Cultural and Creative Industries Park- HuaShan 1914 Cultural and Creative Industries Parken_US

