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Abstract On the printings, when the screens can’t fit well with one another, moir phenomenon is easily appeared. In this thesis, we utilize this phenomenon to design suitable dot structure and mask, which displays patterns of digital shape when they superpose under certain angles. In this thesis, at first, we design the shape of dots --- take digit ‘5’ for example, and under different structures we compose we compare monochromes moir phenomena and chromatic moir phenomena as well. Second, for better effect of hiding data, we decompose dot structure, so people can’t receive digital data from the shape of dot observed under magnifier. However, superposing the picture with the mask, we can display moir of digital shape again. Finally, we scan and reproduce monochromes, then compare them with the originals. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Different dot structures have different moirs phenomena. In monochromes, superposing orthogonal and hexagonal pictures with masks we can clearly observe the moir of digit ‘5’ shape, and their sizes and positions will be altered when superposition angle is changed. However, multi-screen picture that superposes with mask cannot display moir of digital shape. In chromatic pictures, the moir of digital shape can’t be clear under either four screens with the same angle or four screens with staggered angles. Even so, chromatic picture made up from screens that have the same angle, pattern of moir can be recognized when they are observed under transparent light. 2. Decomposed dot structures have better effects in hiding data. In the pictures, dot structures have been decomposed, so people can’t recognize digital shape under magnifier observation. Nevertheless, we can display moir of digital shape when superposing with masks around some fixed angles. So, This dot structure has better effects in hiding data. 3. Originals will be hard to reproduced by the method. Moir on reproductions is more blurring than the originals, especially in the reproductions which structure has been decomposed. Besides, moir of digital shape can be found between smaller angles. Finally, this thesis can provide a method of hiding data in the picture, and also a convenient way for authentication and inspect the counterfeit.
Abstract On the printings, when the screens can’t fit well with one another, moir phenomenon is easily appeared. In this thesis, we utilize this phenomenon to design suitable dot structure and mask, which displays patterns of digital shape when they superpose under certain angles. In this thesis, at first, we design the shape of dots --- take digit ‘5’ for example, and under different structures we compose we compare monochromes moir phenomena and chromatic moir phenomena as well. Second, for better effect of hiding data, we decompose dot structure, so people can’t receive digital data from the shape of dot observed under magnifier. However, superposing the picture with the mask, we can display moir of digital shape again. Finally, we scan and reproduce monochromes, then compare them with the originals. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Different dot structures have different moirs phenomena. In monochromes, superposing orthogonal and hexagonal pictures with masks we can clearly observe the moir of digit ‘5’ shape, and their sizes and positions will be altered when superposition angle is changed. However, multi-screen picture that superposes with mask cannot display moir of digital shape. In chromatic pictures, the moir of digital shape can’t be clear under either four screens with the same angle or four screens with staggered angles. Even so, chromatic picture made up from screens that have the same angle, pattern of moir can be recognized when they are observed under transparent light. 2. Decomposed dot structures have better effects in hiding data. In the pictures, dot structures have been decomposed, so people can’t recognize digital shape under magnifier observation. Nevertheless, we can display moir of digital shape when superposing with masks around some fixed angles. So, This dot structure has better effects in hiding data. 3. Originals will be hard to reproduced by the method. Moir on reproductions is more blurring than the originals, especially in the reproductions which structure has been decomposed. Besides, moir of digital shape can be found between smaller angles. Finally, this thesis can provide a method of hiding data in the picture, and also a convenient way for authentication and inspect the counterfeit.
錯網, 網點, 網點周期, 細微結構, 遮罩, 半色調, moir, dot, dot period, micro-structure, mask., halftone