Charles Taylor I 內在性框架」之概念及其對教育的啟示
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Ching-Pey Lin
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Center for Educational Research and Evaluation
Center for Educational Research and Evaluation
「內在性框架J (the immanent frame) 是加拿大哲學家Charles Taylor (1 931 - )在〈世俗時代> (A Secular Age) 中相當重要的概念,用來說明由工具理性所主導的現代社會框架。然而, Taylor主張,吾人於「內在J性框架」中生活,並不代表封閉了向超越性開放的可能,就Taylor的立場而言,向超越性開放的生命,較之於封閉式的立場來得圓滿。基於此,對於園於封閉性內在框架的現代教育, Taylor ,-內在性框架」的概念與其向超越性開放的立場,應有重要的價值與啟示。是以,本文首先探討Taylor ,-內在性框架」的概念;其次,說明封閉性內在框架的核心理念;復次,分析Taylor對封閉性內在框架之迷思的解構,指出圓滿的人生與人類靈性的開展,必須回歸本體論與倫理學的討論;最後,根據Taylor的本體論與靈性論,提出三點對教育的啟示:一、考量教育對象具有向超越性開放的傾向;二、教育哲學應納入肯定超越性的「垂直面向」思維;三、重視發展內在資源與靈性的教育實踐。
“The immanent frame" has been proposed by Charles Taylor (1931-), a prominent philosopher of the contemporary world, in his book A Secular Age, toillustrate a modern society governed by instrumental or scientific reason. However,Taylor argues that living within "the immanent frame" does not necessarily entail sloughing off transcendence. According to Taylor, a life open to the transcendent is significantly richer than a life that is closed to it. For modern education deeply embedded in the closed immanent frame, Taylor's concept of “ the immanent frame"and his assertion of opening to the transcendent may have substantial implications.This paper is divided into four parts: first, to expound upon Taylor's concept of “the immanent frame"; second, to shed light on the critical connotations of the closed immanent frame's“self-authorization"; third, to analyze Taylor's arguments on the inadequacies of the closed immanent frame, and the claim that the discussions on ontology and ethics should certainly be revisited to achieve a fuller life and develop spirituality; finally, this paper ends with some suggestions regarding Taylor'sperspectives on education. They are as follows: to consider the human inclination to the transcendent; to include the vertical dimension in the philosophy of education,and to emphasize educational practices which can improve the development of students' inner resources and spirituality.
“The immanent frame" has been proposed by Charles Taylor (1931-), a prominent philosopher of the contemporary world, in his book A Secular Age, toillustrate a modern society governed by instrumental or scientific reason. However,Taylor argues that living within "the immanent frame" does not necessarily entail sloughing off transcendence. According to Taylor, a life open to the transcendent is significantly richer than a life that is closed to it. For modern education deeply embedded in the closed immanent frame, Taylor's concept of “ the immanent frame"and his assertion of opening to the transcendent may have substantial implications.This paper is divided into four parts: first, to expound upon Taylor's concept of “the immanent frame"; second, to shed light on the critical connotations of the closed immanent frame's“self-authorization"; third, to analyze Taylor's arguments on the inadequacies of the closed immanent frame, and the claim that the discussions on ontology and ethics should certainly be revisited to achieve a fuller life and develop spirituality; finally, this paper ends with some suggestions regarding Taylor'sperspectives on education. They are as follows: to consider the human inclination to the transcendent; to include the vertical dimension in the philosophy of education,and to emphasize educational practices which can improve the development of students' inner resources and spirituality.