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義大利在中世紀、文藝復興 (Renaissance) 至巴洛克 (Baroque) 時期皆為西方音樂發展的中心,不過在古典時期之後,歐洲的音樂重心逐漸轉移至德奧地區,直到十九世紀浪漫時期後,歌劇的興起才漸漸恢復義大利在音樂歷史中的地位,身為此時期的義大利作曲家,雷史畢基卻不以歌劇,而以器樂音樂在當時的音樂圈佔有一席之地,這讓筆者相當好奇他到底是何許人物。在雷史畢基的音樂之中,具有相當浪漫的音樂語法,也能聽見印象主義具有朦朧氣質的和聲,因此有些人認為他是後浪漫主義,也有另一派說法認為他偏向印象主義,讓雷史畢基成為一位無法明確定義流派的音樂家,這是筆者認為非常特別的地方。本篇論文自作曲家生平開始,尋找雷史畢基與其他同時期音樂家的關聯處,試圖找出他在音樂方面受到的影響,並以《B小調小提琴奏鳴曲》為主題進行樂曲分析與演奏詮釋,以期更加理解作曲家與這首作品。
Italy was the center of the development of Western music in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque. It was only with the rise of opera that Italy gradually regained its place in the history of music. As an Italian composer of this period, Respighi did not use opera but instrumental music to occupy a place in the music circle at that time, which made the author quite curious what kind of person he is.In Respighi's music, there is quite a romantic musical grammar, and the hazy harmony of Impressionism can also be heard. Therefore, some people think that he is post-Romantic, and there are other schools of thought that he is biased towards Impressionism, so that Respighi became a musician who could not clearly define a genre, which is very special. Starting from the composer's life, this study seeks out the relationship between Respighi and other musicians of the same period, tries to find out the influence he received in music, and analyzes and interprets the music with the theme of"Violin Sonata in B Minor". In order to better understand the composer and this work.
Italy was the center of the development of Western music in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque. It was only with the rise of opera that Italy gradually regained its place in the history of music. As an Italian composer of this period, Respighi did not use opera but instrumental music to occupy a place in the music circle at that time, which made the author quite curious what kind of person he is.In Respighi's music, there is quite a romantic musical grammar, and the hazy harmony of Impressionism can also be heard. Therefore, some people think that he is post-Romantic, and there are other schools of thought that he is biased towards Impressionism, so that Respighi became a musician who could not clearly define a genre, which is very special. Starting from the composer's life, this study seeks out the relationship between Respighi and other musicians of the same period, tries to find out the influence he received in music, and analyzes and interprets the music with the theme of"Violin Sonata in B Minor". In order to better understand the composer and this work.
雷史畢基, 後浪漫主義, 義大利, 小提琴奏鳴曲, 印象主義, Respighi, Post-Romanticism, Italy, violin sonata, Impressionism