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本研究旨在探討與描述個案國中爵士樂團之成立背景、發展過程、組織方式、教學內容、展演活動、困境與解決方法。本研究採用「個案研究法」,研究對象為個案國中爵士樂團相關行政教師、外聘教師與學生。研究者透過參與式觀察、深度訪談、自編「國中爵士樂團組訓之個案研究」之社團學生問卷及文件分析方式,進行研究資料蒐集與彙整。 本研究之主要結論如下: 一、創立爵士樂團能有效因應少子化及發展學校特色。 學校藉由樂團轉型改善每年招生人數遞減與管樂團聲部分部不均、樂器人數不足之經營困境,又能發展獨樹一幟的社團。 二、舉辦寒假爵士體驗營能引發學生興趣,促進樂團成功轉型。 學校舉辦爵士樂體驗讓學生嘗試接觸爵士樂,課程結束後學生樂於學習且成效佳,順利促成傳統管樂團轉型為爵士樂團。 三、無限制的招生方式讓更多學生有學習樂器與展現的機會。 只要對音樂有興趣且有意願學習樂器與接受訓練之學生都能報名參加,學校會安排定期與不定期表演,提供爵士樂團學生展演的舞台。 四、爵士樂團妥善安排課程與練習計畫能提高學生學習效率。 爵士樂團在訓練方面有安排分部課與合奏課,並於早自習與午休,由樂團指導老師規定練習進度與驗收。 五、教師編寫獨奏樂段與完備的暖身、分段式教學能有效解決學生即興演奏與能力差距等問題,並提升學生對樂器的掌握度。 指揮老師會先將獨奏樂段寫好,讓學生認識爵士語法,進而學習如何吹奏爵士樂;教學前的暖身,能有良好的音準與提升樂器掌握度;教師分配教學時間,縮短學生程度差距。 六、爵士樂團需調整環境與申請補助,以解決場地與經費短缺問題。 學校僅能提供閒置教室,但其設備與設施並非適合爵士樂團上課,所以需對空間進行微型調整與變化;學校向教育局寫教學計畫、向地方政府官員申請補助、獲得表演主辦單位的演出費以及使用學校資本門經費。 研究者最後根據研究結果針對學校、音樂教育主管機關及未來研究者提出建議,以提供未來欲成立爵士樂團之學校、音樂教育主管機關及相關研究者之參考。
This study aims to find out the training, contests, and the arrangement of a jazz ensemble in the junior high school. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis were applied in this research. The subjects included a school administrator, ensemble directors, students of the ensemble. This research adopted the case study method to study one junior high school jazz ensemble. The qualitative methodology was adopted to interview, observation and questionnaire, as well as collecting and analyzing available documentations and data. Based on the research findings and interpretation, the conclusions of this study were presented as follows: 1. Having a jazz ensemble can help school to recruit students and create school-based curriculum. 2. The jazz music camp not only enhanced the students' interest and willingness but also help the long-term development of the jazz ensemble. 3. The jazz ensemble provides a variety of music learning for developing students’ performing ability, and establishes performance opportunities to cultivate students’ confidence while playing in the ensemble. 4. Effective time management skills of teachers can improve students’ learning efficiency. 5. Teacher may employ multiple teaching approaches in jazz instruction. Through the harmonious construction, basic practice and partition practice, students can precisely play instrument so as to generate their independent playing capability. 6. As to on-campus rehearsal space and funding, the school may reduce the problems by adjusting space and finding funding from various resources. According to the research results, many suggestions are given for school administration, music educators and future studies.



爵士樂團, 社團組訓, 國中音樂社團, jazz band, music club teaching, junior high school music ensemble





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