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本研究旨在探討網路探究教學策略之虛擬實境歷史課程理論基礎,並依據理論發展網路探究教學策略之虛擬實境歷史課程。本研究實施專家評鑑以瞭解教材品質,並採用無母數統計方法柯-史單一樣本檢驗法來進行資料分析。綜合研究結果提出以下幾項結論: 一、本研究依據探究式教學策略六個主要部分:簡介、任務、資訊、 過程、評量、結論,設計網路探究教學策略虛擬實境課程,探究式教 學策略有助於教學設計效率與品質提升。 二、本研究提出對網路探究式虛擬實境課程的教學設計流程,能快速 勾畫情境輪廓,有利於發展數位課程。 三、本研究經過專家以「教材內容」、「導引功能」、「教學設計」、「教 學媒體」四個面向來評定教材品質,經過評鑑後,專家大體上對本課 程教材品質表示正面態度。唯針對各細項再說明其優缺,以求檢討改 進。
The main purpose of the study is to examine the theoritical foundation of WebQuest e-Learning history curriculum, which is developed via virtual reality technology. According to the theories, we developed a demo curriculum in this study. In order to investigate the effect of the demo curriculum, the study carried out expert evaluation.After the evaluation, the data was collected and analyzed by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test .The final results of the study were listed below: 1. According to 6 major components of WebQuest: Introduction, Task, Resource, Process, Evaluation, and Conclusion, this study designed a WebQuest virtual reality history curriculum, and found that WebQuest is contributive to promote efficiency and quality of instructional design. 2. This study proposed the progress of WebQuest that can quickly delineate the scenario.It helped designers to design e-Learning curriculum effictively. 3. In this study, the experts evaluated the courseware quality with four standards: Teaching Content, Guidance Function, Instructional Design, and Teaching Media. In general, the result of the expert evaluation suggests the competitiveness of this curriculum. To further improve the quality of the curriculum, this study presents a detailed discussion on the strengthness and weakness of the current curriculum.



網路探究, 網路教學, 虛擬實境, 教學設計, WebQuest, e-Learning, Virtual Reality, Instruction Design





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