
dc.contributorHsiao, Hsien-Shengen_US
dc.contributor.authorYu, Min-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstractSTEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)是近年來培養跨科際人才的重點,透過跨學科整合的方式來促進學生多領域之發展。在STEM實作課程的知識傳授中,讓學習者了解如何將所學知識應用在實作中,在專題導向學習(Project-based Learning, PBL)強調學生於「真實情境」中學習來解決問題。差異化教學(Differentiated Instruction)則貫徹「因材施教」的宗旨,給予學生齊頭式平等的學習機會,並縮小低成就學生在學習上的落差。 本研究探討差異化專題導向學習於STEM實作課程對學習成效(STEM知識、執行功能、自我效能、實作能力)之影響。教學過程中,讓學生透過Arduino實作出「投籃車」作品,並學習在STEM各學科上需具備的能力,使學生在多學科整合的實作課程中,透過真實情境的學習過程,將教學發揮最大的效果。研究對象為新北市某國中七年級共104名學生,共八周,採準實驗研究法,自變項為教學方法,依照教學方法在實驗組(差異化專題導向於STEM實作課程)、對照組(專題導向學習於STEM實作課程)於STEM實作課程之影響;依變項為學習成效,其中包含STEM知識、執行功能、自我效能與實作能力,並分析對不同學習成就學生之影響。 本研究結果顯示,兩種教學方法對一般成就生及低成就生之STEM知識皆有效提升並有顯著影響,低成就學生於實驗組進步幅度更較對照組低成就學生大;兩組教學模式對於執行功能及自我效能皆無顯著影響;在實作能力表現上實驗組在實驗處理後較對照組佳,並達顯著差異。 研究結果發現一般成就學生、低成就學生在STEM的整合知識中有大幅的進步,並且縮小與一般成就學生的學習落差,在自我效能、執行功能上可能因實驗時間太短而無顯著提升,建議未來研究可以加長實驗時間,並在課程實施中將學生根據教材設計於學生能力上進行分層。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, STEM is the key to cultivate cross-technology talents, which could motivate students to develop in multi-field by means of interdisciplinary integration. During apply the learned knowledge process of STEM teaching course, students understand how to implement. Project-Based Learning emphasize that students should study in context to solve problem. Differentiated Instruction carrying on the purpose of teaching students according to their aptitud, which offer equal learning opportunities to students and minimize the drop of low achievement students. This study discussed the influence on the learning effect of Differentiated Instruction Project-Based Learning (STEM knowledge, executive function, self-efficiency and hands-on ability) in STEM teaching activities. During the teaching process, students are required to make the “Catapult Car” with Arduino, and understand the abilities needed in different subjects on STEM, as a result, in the process of multidisciplinary integrated teaching courses and context learning, students will make best use of the teaching courses. 104 students are selected as participant from a secondary school in New Taipei City. The quasi-experimental design are adopted in the study. The whole project takes 8 weeks, the independent variables are teaching method, proceed by the effect of different teaching methods to STEM teaching courses used in experimental group (Differentiated Project-Based Learning in STEM teaching activity), control group (Project-Baesd Learning in STEM teaching activity); dependent variables are the learning performances, which includes STEM knowledge, executive function, self-effectiveness and hands-on ability. The influence of the teaching method applied to general and low achievement students are also analized. The result of the study indicates that the these two teaching methods shows prominent effect to promote general and low achievement students’ knowledge of STEM, while low achievement students of experimental group improves much more compared with low achievement students of control group; the teaching modes for these 2 groups leaves non-significant effect on executive function, nor the self-effectiveness. As for the hands-on abilities, the experimental group perform better than the control group after experimental process, and achieved significant differences. The study found that general and low achievement students have made great progress in the integration of STEM knowledge, and narrowed the learning gap between students with general achievement. In terms of self-efficacy and executive function, the experimental time may be too short without significant improvement. It is recommend that future research can lengthen the experiment time, and in the course implementation, students will be differentiated according to the Differentiated Instruction.en_US
dc.subjectDifferentiated Instructionen_US
dc.subjectHands-on activityen_US
dc.subjectLow achievementen_US
dc.titleA Study of Exploring the Impact on Learning Effect of Differentiated Instruction Project-Based Learning in STEM Hands-on Coursesen_US

