
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chun-Huien_US
dc.description.abstract研究者任職高中公民與社會科教師,有感於教科書對於隱私權重視程度不足,再者教學現場常因進度壓力,易流於教師講述的法律教育困境,非真正的法治教育。因此參酌美國「民主基礎系列教材—挑戰未來公民:隱私」的課程設計和教學策略,進行案例國情的轉換,設計一套符合我國高中生的「多元選修法治教育隱私權教學方案」,以提升學生對於隱私權的認識,達到法治教育的思辨。 本研究採用行動研究,利用高一兩個班的多元選修課,進行各六節課的教學實施,透過教學觀察、案例討論單、學生省思札記、學生訪談和協同教師訪談等三角檢證來蒐集研究資料,經過研究者的資料整理與分析,獲致研究結果如下: 壹、研究者轉化民主基礎教材教學之省思 民主基礎系列教材來自美國,教師使用時須留意案例轉換和思考工具表的翻譯轉換。案例轉換選擇建議從學生生活經驗出發,較能獲得學生的學習共鳴。 貳、學生的隱私權概念 本課程有助於提升學生的隱私權認知、增加學生對隱私權的重視程度,並有助於改善學生侵犯或被侵犯隱私的行為。整體而言,能補強現行公民與社會科教材的不足。參、學生對於隱私爭議的法治思維 本課程有助於學生面對隱私爭議思考層次的提升,達到法治教育思辨的目的。課前學生面對隱私爭議不知如何思考、感到混亂、偏主觀或直觀式思考,課後變得較有方向、有層次、有深度地思考,能考量多元角色的立場再判斷。其中思考工具扮演思考深入多元的重要角色。 肆、教學策略的觀感與成效 一、小組討論 (一)學生最喜歡討論模式的教學策略,包括:小組討論和案例討論。 (二)小組討論有多元意見,有助於學生對隱私權概念的瞭解。在小組討 論中,學生會更積極參與課程,較能培養其學習的主動性,但須注 意組內搭便車問題。 二、案例討論 案例討論能將抽象的法律概念具體化,有助於學生對隱私權概念的瞭解,但須注意案例討論勿中斷。 三、實作作業 (一)多數學生偏好實作作業勝過傳統手冊作業。 (二)實作作業有助於學生在生活中應用隱私權概念,達到較高層次的學 習。建議未來實作作業可舉辦課堂發表會,讓學生彼此觀摩學習。 最後根據研究結果,對隱私權及多元選修課的教學實務和欲從事相關研究者提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs a senior high school Civic and Society teacher, the researcher has noticed that current textbooks tend to lecture on privacy insufficiently. Besides, the pressure of catching up with teaching schedule has forced teachers to become legal knowledge narrators rather than in-depth educators. In order to achieve the purpose of enhancing students’ knowledge and intellectual enquiries about privacy, the researcher has adopted the curriculum design and instructional strategies of Foundations of Democracy: Privacy, designed a teaching program based on authentic cases in Taiwan, and carried out an action research. The researcher gave a six-hour lecture in two elective classes of first grade senior high school students and collected data via teaching observation, case discussion sheets, reflection notes, and interviews with students and associate teacher. The results are analyzed and inducted as follows. I.The researcher reflects on transforming Foundations of Democracy: Privacy Foundations of Democracy originates from America, so when teachers use their materials, they have to pay attention to the transformation of cases and translation of the intellectual tool forms. The researcher advises teachers to choose cases from students’ real life experiences, so they will concentrate on learning in class better. II.Students’ concept of privacy The researcher’s teaching program proved to be effective in enhancing students’ cognition on privacy. After the lectures, students are more aware of valuing their own privacy and reducing behaviors or speeches that may violate others’ privacy. On the whole, the teaching program can complement the deficiency of the textbook. III.Students’ speculations about privacy controversy The researcher’s teaching program has also developed students’ critical thinking abilities. They can express insightful opinions on privacy controversies, think deeply, and judge after considering standpoints of diverse roles. They no longer feel confused or subjective when faced with privacy controversies. Among them, intellectual tools play an important role in thinking deeply and diversely. IV.The evaluation and effect of instructional strategies 1.Group Discussion (1)Among all the instructional strategies, students like the discussion teaching style most, including group discussion and case discussion. (2)Every student in group expresses different opinions, which enables them to better comprehend the concept of privacy.Furthermore, students are more active to participate in the curriculum because group discussion is able to cultivate their learning initiative, but teachers have to pay attention to the free-rider problem in group discussion. 2.Case Discussion Case discussion can effectively concretize abstract legal concepts, which also allows students to realize the concept of privacy. However, teachers have to pay attention not to interrupt the case discussion. 3.Performance Assignment (1)Most students prefer performance assignments to traditional homework. (2)Performance assignments allow students to apply the concept of privacy in life and hence achieve a higher level of learning. The researcher advises that teachers can arrange a presentation in class, so students can share their assignments with other classmates. In the end of the thesis, conclusions of the research and practical suggestions will be provided for teachers attempting to adopt the course and other researchers engaged in relevant research.en_US
dc.subjectLaw-related Educationen_US
dc.subjectFoundations of Democracyen_US
dc.subjectMulti-element curriculum in senior high schoolen_US
dc.titleAn Action Research on Implementing Law-related Education by Using Foundations of Democracy: Privacy — A Case Study Based on Multi-element Curriculum in Senior High Schoolen_US


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