

摘要 本研究旨在瞭解台中縣、彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣等五縣市,九年一貫課程藝術與人文學習領域輔導團成員對輔導團運作之期望暨對運作現況之看法,並探討兩者之差異。研究採問卷調查法,以百分比、標準差、t考驗和單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,研究具體結論如下: 壹、輔導團之運作現況 一、輔導團為獨立於教育局以外的單位,無一既定之組織定位模式,各縣市依據法源不一,且無中央法規支援。 二、輔導團成員任職情形以兼職佔大多數,難以達成專業成長之實質效果。再者,長期受限於縣市政府財政短缺,輔導團經費嚴重不足,致使無法充實研究設備及提供定期巡迴輔導的觀摩研習課程。 三、目前縣市政府於輔導團設置要點已明訂公假、減授課鐘點相關措施,並以敘獎,以及甄選校長、主任時採計輔導團服務年資加分制度,以提供誘因吸引人才。然受限於現實環境,或因為偏遠地區缺乏師資,因此有人力不足之現象。 貳、輔導團成員對於輔導團運作期望與對現況看法之差異 一、輔導團成員對於輔導團運作具有高度期望,各向度依照得分高低依序為組織架構、輔導措施、激勵措施、任務功能、人員編制、設備經費。 二、輔導團成員對於輔導團運作現況之看法,在各向度得分介於「少部分符合」與「符合」之間,其中以「設備經費」向度得分最低。 三、輔導團成員對於輔導團運作之期望與對現況之看法,兩者差異依序為設備經費、人員編制、激勵措施、任務功能、輔導措施、組織架構,顯示「設備經費」落差最大,「人員編制」、「激勵措施」則為其次。 參、不同背景變項輔導團成員對輔導團運作期望與對現況看法之差異 一、在年齡方面,三十歲以下之輔導團成員在「激勵措施」向度落差最大。 二、以下輔導團成員之個人背景變項在「經費設備」向度之認知期望與對現況看法有極大落差:1.年齡在三十歲以下者;2.男性;3.任職國中輔導團者; 4.專任輔導員者;5.輔導團年資3-5年者;6.任職嘉義縣府導團者;7.音樂科專任教師者;8.輔導團召集人及副召集人;9.具大學學歷者等。 肆、輔導團成員對於輔導團運作之心得與困境 現階段普遍有「經費設備不足」、「師資缺乏,人力不足」、「學校主管不支持教師擔任輔導員」、「無充足資源」等問題,與前述認知期望與對現況看法之差異具有一致性。 依據研究結論,本研究並提出五項建議,包括「確立教育輔導團法定地位並健全組織架構」、「設置專職人員編制以利業務推行」、「寬列經費、擴充設備、設置藝文展覽表演場所,加強教學資源」、「強化教學資料蒐集並提供教師教學輔導與協助」、「提高輔導員誘因以吸引優秀人才參與」。 關鍵字:輔導團、藝術與人文學習領域、教學視導。
Abstract In this study, we are going to find out the expectation of members on the operations of Nine-year School Education counseling organizations in Arts and Humanities area and their opinions on current situation. The subjects came from Taichung, Changhwa, Nantou, Yunlin, and Chiayi County of Taiwan. We try to compare the differences between the expectation and the current situation. Questionnaires are adopted in this study and our analysis is based on the statistic methods including percentage, standard deviation, t test and ANOVA. Here are our conclusions: 1. Current situation of the counseling organizations (1) The counseling organizations are independent from the Department of Education of each county, without established organization pattern. Different sources of law are referenced in different areas. Meanwhile, it’s not supported by any central law. (2) Most of the counseling organizations’ members work in their spare time. As a result, professional development does not seem to be realistic. Furthermore, the organizations are short of financial support from local government. It’s impossible for them to purchase any equipment or support any periodically itinerant counseling courses. (3) Currently, the local governments have published some measures about the official leave and teaching hour reduction for the counseling organizations, as well as a system of prize. Meanwhile, working for the counseling organizations also helps in the selection of school masters and directors. They try to attract necessary talents by the above steps, but the real situation is that it helps little. We still in short of man power. 2. Difference between the expectation and opinions on current situation of the counseling organizations’ members. (1) The members of counseling organizations show high expectations on their operations. Scores in different aspects can be listed orderly as organization, counseling measures, promotion measures, task functions, staff, and financial support. (2) For the opinions of members on current situation, the scores in differentaspects are between “Almost OK” and “OK”. The aspect of financial support has the lowest score. (3) The differences between the expectation and opinions of the counseling organizations’ members on current situation can be listed orderly as financial support, staff, promotion measures, task functions, and organizations. The aspect of financial support shows the most significant difference, followed by staff and promotion measures. 3. Difference between the expectation and opinions on current situation of the counseling organizations’ members with different backgrounds. (1) For the members younger than 30, the difference in the aspect of promotion measures is the most significant. (2) Significant difference can also be observed on the members with following backgrounds in the aspect of financial support: 1. younger than 30; 2. male; 3. work for high school’s counseling group; 4. dedicated counselor; 5. have worked for the group for 3-5 years; 6. work in Chiayi County; 7. music teachers; 8. organizer or deputy organizer of the group; 9. graduated from the college. 4. Experience and embarrassment of counseling organizations’ operation told by the members. The problems of insufficient financial support, insufficient man power, not supportive supervisors, and insufficient resource are quite common. This is in accordance with the differences between expectation and current situation, as mentioned before. According to the above, we proposed suggestions, including “Establish a legal status for the counseling group and complete the organization”, “Employ some full time staffs in order to promote the business”, “Be more supportive in money and equipment. Establish some exhibition and performance sites and enhance teaching resources", “Enhance teaching data collection and help the teachers in their jobs”, “Try to attract more talents". Keywords: counseling organization; Art and Humanities of Nine-year Education; teaching supervision.



九年一貫課程, 藝術與人文領域, 教育視導, 教學視導, 國民教育輔導團





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