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電視與網路是現代人最經常使用的媒體,此兩種媒介同時也擁有相當大的影響力。電視廣告結合網路關鍵字搜尋而產生的電視關鍵字廣告,已經成為近年來熱門的整合行銷手法之一。電視關鍵字廣告融合兩種媒體廣告的特性:藉由電視廣告觸及到消費者,之後藉由廣告影片中提示的關鍵字作為將消費者帶到網路搜尋的橋樑,以期發揮整合行銷的綜效。 本研究以外部資訊搜尋模式為理論基礎,並且加入廣告涉入度及關鍵字內容,試圖找出影響消費者搜尋動機的因素。研究發現:「廣告涉入度」對「想到網路上尋找相關資訊」、「希望立刻上網用關鍵字搜尋」兩種不同目的的搜尋動機皆有顯著的相關;而「搜尋成本」與「關鍵字內容」則是與「希望立刻上網用關鍵字搜尋」有顯著的相關程度;同時研究中也發現,對於電視關鍵字廣告涉入程度不同的受訪者,對「想到網路上尋找相關資訊」、「希望立刻上網用關鍵字搜尋」兩種不同目的的搜尋動機皆會產生差異。
As two of the most utilized media in today’s society, television and the Internet have high impact on people’s everyday lives. The integration of television commercial and keyword search –TV searching Ads— has become an important marketing strategy for the advertising industry. TV searching Ads combines the unique properties of two media by reaching consumers through television commercial advertisements and attracting the audience to search for commercial keywords on the Internet. To investigate into the motivations drawing consumers to conduct search online, this research paper uses the External Information Search model as research foundation, while implementing “advertisement involvement” and “keyword content” into the research design. Research found that “advertisement involvement” is highly correlated with the two differing motivations “I want to find relevant information online” and “I want to go online right away and conduct a keyword search”, while “costs of search” and “keyword content” is highly correlated to “I want to go online right away and conduct a keyword search”. Additionally, the research discovered that respondents who have varying levels of involvement with television commercial keywords have different levels of “I want to find relevant information online” and“I want to go online right away and conduct a keyword search”.



關鍵字搜尋廣告, 消費者資訊搜尋模式, 廣告涉入度, Searching Ads, External Searching Model, Advertising Involvement





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