

本研究目的在於探討軍職父親之父職意涵,以生態系統理論作為研究架構,針對軍職父親及其配偶,採用深入個別訪談之質性研究方式進行研究,以探究軍職父親父職意涵之內容及其建構脈絡。 本研究進行填寫開放式問卷、軍職家庭試訪,及焦點團體訪談等三個前置研究後,成功邀請五對軍職夫妻,計十位成員參與本研究,分別針對每位研究參與者進行1-2次為時3-4小時不等之深度訪談,以及1-2次電話補訪蒐集資料,運用敘述分析的原則與紮根理論的精神分析與整理資料。 本研究主要研究結果摘述如下: 一、軍職父親外顯之父職行為具有速效型特色:運用身旁已有之資源取得父職資訊、選用立即可見效果之方法教養孩子、扮演配合孩子當階段發展的陪伴者、善用電話履行遠距父職。 二、軍職父親具有四種主要之父職意涵:養家示範味濃、玩樂陪伴為多、重視健康獨立、要求品格人際。 三、軍職父親之父職意涵受到軍職環境、軍職父親本身、軍人妻子等三個因素面及因素面間的互動狀況有不同影響。 四、本研究最後針對研究發現分別就軍職父親、軍人妻子、促進軍職父親之父職策略,以及未來研究設計上提出建議。
The main purpose of this study was to address the fatherhood of military father. This study used ecological system theory approach developed by Uric Bronfenbrenner to understand the construct context of fatherhood of military father. Through three pilot studies, data for this study come from personal in-depth interviews with five militaries and their wives. Respondents were interviewed once or twice. Interviews lasted from 3 to 4 hours and were audio taped and transcribed verbatim by the primary researcher. Based on the results of narrative analysis, this study reaches following conclusions: 1. Because of time constrains, the fathering behaviors of Military father are intending efficiency. 2. The majority of fatherhood belief of military father could be categorized four types. 3. The construct context of fatherhood of military father is affected by different ecological variables. 4. Based this study findings, there are some recommendations from researcher about military fatherhood study issue.



父職, 軍職, 軍人家庭, 生態系統理論, fatherhood, military family, ecological system theory





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