

摘要 本研究首先探討實施創新教學的意涵,其次以實施創新教學為主題,從教師的創新教學的內容與方式、創新教學的實施成效、創新教學的影響因素、創新教學的配合措施、創新教學的專業成長及困難問題,來探討與分析臺北市國民中學實施創新教學的現況與問題。 本研究除以文獻分析實施創新教學的相關理論與研究外,並採用問卷調查法,使用之研究工具為「臺北市國民中學實施創新教學之研究」調查問卷,以臺北市國民中學的教育人員為對象進行研究。本研究所獲致的結論如下: 一、臺北市國中教師創新教學的內容與方式上創新現況屬中上程度具體表現優良,包括:班級經營創新具積鼓勵性與民主參與性;教學內容創新具主題性與生活連結性;教學方法創新具靈活性與創意性;教學環境與資源創新具科技性;學生作業創新具多樣性;評量方式創新具多元性與彈性等。 二、不同背景變項之臺北市國中教師在創新教學內容與方式有所差異。 三、臺北市國中創新教學的實施成效屬中上程度,包括:1.有助於引發學生學習動機與興趣、提升認知思考與問題解決的能力;2.教師能隨時接受新的教學觀念與事物、助於提升教師的專業知能;3.班級經營創新有助於營造和諧、溫馨、互動良好的班級氣氛;4.評量與作業方式的創新助於學生適性發展與潛能發揮;5.創新且合宜的教學策略有助於提升學生學習效果及學科成績等五項。 四、影響臺北市國中創新教學的因素符合程度屬中上,包括:1.學生的參與;2.校長扮演教學領導的角色;3.學校對採用創新教學教學方式的回饋;4.學校同仁的彼此協助;5.教師團隊協助解決創新教學的問題等五項。 五、臺北市國中創新教學的配合措施屬中度水準,包含:1.教育行政機關及學校行政主管大力推動創新教學;2.學校組成課程研發小組;3.學校訂定具體可行的創新教學行動方案;4.校內外辦理的創意教學競賽;5.需充足的經費或軟硬體支援等五項。 六、臺北市國中創新教學的專業成長屬中上程度,包括:1.能鼓勵教師不斷增進自己的專業知識及教學技能;2.教師經常分享彼此的教學經驗或新的想法;3.教師能分享參加各項研習、研討會或工作坊所獲得的新知;4.參加教師研習中心或校內辦理的研習活動,獲取與創新教學相關新知;5.觀摩其他教師教學,以改進自己教學等五項。 七、臺北市國中創新教學的困難問題,包括:1.受到升學壓力的影響;2.教學時間不夠;3創新教學成效不易掌握;4.教育經費不足5.缺乏創新氣氛等五項。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,另提出相關建議,以供有關單位及人員實施創新教學之參考。
Abstract This study first explored the meaning of innovative instruction. Next, an extensive investigation was initiated focusing on innovative instruction – from the contents and methods of the innovative instruction, the efficacy of innovative instruction, factors affecting innovative instruction, supporting policies of innovative instruction, professional improvement of innovative instruction, and potential problems and difficulties, the current situation of innovative instruction in Taipei municipal junior high schools was analyzed. Besides literature reviews of the theories and researches in innovative instruction, this study also utilized questionnaires “The Study of Innovative Instruction in Taipei Municipal Junior High Schools” as the research tool for data collection. The objects are teachers and administrators working in Taipei municipal junior high schools. The conclusion of this study is summarized below: 1. The current situation of the contents and methods of innovative instruction in Taipei municipal junior high schools is above average, and the performance is excellent, including that positive encouragement and democratic engagement are involved in innovative class management; subjects and daily life experience are involved in innovative instruction contents; flexibility and creativity are involved in innovative instruction methods; technology is applied in teaching environment and resources; diversity is involved in innovative student homework; and variety and flexibility are involved in innovative evaluation methods. 2. Taipei municipal junior high school teachers of different background factors differ in the contents and methods of innovative instruction. 3. The efficacy of innovative instruction in Taipei municipal junior high schools is above average, including: assistance in evoking the motivation and interests of the students, elevating their ability in recognition, thinking, and problem-solving, and other four facets. 4. The extent of correspondence in the factors affecting Taipei municipal junior high school innovative instruction is above average, including student participation and other four facets. 5. Supporting policies of innovative instruction in Taipei municipal junior high schools is of average, including whether education administration bureaus and school principals promote innovative instruction aggressively and other four facets. 6. Professional improvement of innovative instruction in Taipei municipal junior high schools is above average, including encouraging teachers to broaden their professional knowledge and instruction skills continuously to have breakthroughs in teaching and other four facets. 7. Potential problems and difficulties of innovative instruction in Taipei municipal junior high schools including the influence of the stress in junior high schools entrance and other four facets. Finally, according to these results, this study offers some suggestions for related organizations and staffs to carry out innovative instruction.



國民中學, 創新教學, junior high schools, innovative instruction





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