Maxine Greene之美育思想

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本研究旨在探討美國當代教育哲學家Maxine Greene的美育思想,透過詮釋學的研究方法,先瞭解其生平和思想背景,再從Greene美育觀的三個層面來探討,藉以提出對台灣美育發展之啓示。 首先,是Greene美育觀的核心概念「想像力」與「藝術」,這個部分側重於個人與美育的關係;其次,擴展至第二層面的教室與校園,Greene企盼學校能將美育放在教學的中心,注重學生的情意陶冶;最後,是Greene的終極理想,她希望藉由美感教育的施行,能落實民主多元,並打造一個可以容納各種不同聲音、種族、信仰,並充滿希望和創造的社群。 綜合前述探究,本研究提擬五點建議,以作為台灣美育發展的參考。 一、打造理想的美感教育:讓個人、校園與社群成為一個圓裡的共同組成要素,相互關聯彼此影響,讓「美育」居住在我們的生活世界裡。 二、培養師生的想像力及創造力:師生不要將美育拘泥在藝術科,應時時處處培養美感,讓美的感受與經驗成為生活的一部分。 三、回歸人性化的學校教育:學校不要將學生視作人力資源,要讓學生成為一位具有自由意志及選擇能力的個人。 四、落實多元文化的課程:從美育做起,讓學生透過文學及藝術等課程學習釋放想像力,透過他人的角度來觀看和聆聽,以開放的態度來認識自己的文化與他人的文化之差異,實踐對不同文化的尊重。 五、建立民主自由的社群意識:透過對話溝通與互助合作,將人們聯繫起來,並意識到彼此的差異性與共同性,願意為建立美好的家園而努力。
This thesis is dedicated to analyzing through Maxine Greene’s thought of Aesthetics and the methods she offers for teaching them. Maxine Greene believes that teaching aesthetics is a three-fold endeavor; first we should establish an environment in which students can come in touch with arts and with their own imagination; second, teachers of all subjects should be aware of the importance of Aesthetic Education and third, we must consider everyone in the multicultural society we live in as a special individual and treat him/her as such. My conclusion is that in order to establish aesthetics education in Taiwan, based on Maxine Greene’s theory, we must strive to fulfill the five following conditions: We must understand that in an educational system which emphasizes aesthetics education the student, the school and the community are equally important. Or, as Maxine Greene puts it these elements (students, schools, communities) should be part of the same sphere. We must work to release students’ imagination and encourage their creativity until the experience of aesthetics becomes part of their life-world. We should treat students with humanity; we must not view as human resources but as individuals with free will and choice. We must teach the art and literature of other cultures. That way students can learn to appreciate other cultures and to respect their differences. We must teach the value of freedom and democracy so that we can have a society in which people are communicating and cooperating in order to have a better future.



美育思想, 想像力與藝術, 自由民主社群, 多元文化, aesthetic education, arts and imagination, democratic community





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