標準作業程序〈Standard Operating Procedures,又稱SOP〉可以提供一套標準化作業流程,讓老師和教材編輯者可以依照不同需求快速的將新聞編寫成有著統一格式、水平的華語教材,再搭配上網路即時、迅速和資源豐富、觀點多元等特性,正巧可以補足傳統新聞華語教材的不足之處。故本研究設計出一套專為華語新聞線上教材的標準作業程序,並以近期的時事為材料,應用該程序編寫一套華語遠距教學材料,再設計出與之相應的教學和活動設計,藉由這種方式,協助老師編寫相關教學材料時,能有一套更快速、方便,且容易操作的程序。
Recently, News Chinese is raised with Chinese teaching progressing. Nowadays, there are 26 universities or Mandarin training centers with News Chinese courses. And News Chinese learning materials was written in Japanese, Korean, German, etc. Those prove News Chinese important. News Chinese is not only helping students to use language knowledge, but also fulfill different interests and demands to students by many fields. However, the most importance of News Chinese is timeline and need to updates by times. Most of learning materials need many time to write because there are many factors. Learning materials are so old that the interest and effective of students decreased. In other hand, News is formal and use a lot of professional vocabularies. Therefore. The way to transfer Chinese News to learning material is a big issues in News Chinese. Standard Operating Procedures can offer a set of procedure so that teachers and writers can transfer Chinese News to learning material and use internet which is rapid and with many resources. It can overcome the disadvantage of learning material. This study offer a SOP of News Chinese Learning Materials and use this SOP ti transfer A recently news to learning material. When teachers write learning material, there are a method for transferring Chinese news to learning material.by this study
Recently, News Chinese is raised with Chinese teaching progressing. Nowadays, there are 26 universities or Mandarin training centers with News Chinese courses. And News Chinese learning materials was written in Japanese, Korean, German, etc. Those prove News Chinese important. News Chinese is not only helping students to use language knowledge, but also fulfill different interests and demands to students by many fields. However, the most importance of News Chinese is timeline and need to updates by times. Most of learning materials need many time to write because there are many factors. Learning materials are so old that the interest and effective of students decreased. In other hand, News is formal and use a lot of professional vocabularies. Therefore. The way to transfer Chinese News to learning material is a big issues in News Chinese. Standard Operating Procedures can offer a set of procedure so that teachers and writers can transfer Chinese News to learning material and use internet which is rapid and with many resources. It can overcome the disadvantage of learning material. This study offer a SOP of News Chinese Learning Materials and use this SOP ti transfer A recently news to learning material. When teachers write learning material, there are a method for transferring Chinese news to learning material.by this study
華語文教學, 新聞華語, 教材設計, 標準作業程序, Chinese Teaching, News Chinese, Learning Materials, SOP