初級華語教材設計之研究 -以俄文母語之初中生為對象

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近幾年全球興起一股學習華語的熱潮,俄羅斯聯邦也不例外。但是俄羅斯目前主要之關注對象大多為成人,專為兒童編寫設計的教材非常少,因此本論文要探討為俄羅斯初中生所編寫之初級華語教材的研究問題。 編寫初中生華語教材時,首先應了解兒童語言學習的過程;其次,第二語言教學法有很多種類,但並非每一個教學法都適合初中生,因兒童學習的特點與成人大不相同。研究者也討論目前俄羅斯教育制度及俄羅斯中學外語教育狀況。最後,為了編寫一個好的教材,研究者探討教材編寫的相關理論與原則。 理論基礎方面,本研究針對三套俄羅斯出版的兒童華語教材進行內容分析,分析項目分別為主題、詞彙、功能與文化。研究者分析三套教材後提出其優點及缺點。此外,訪問俄羅斯的兒童華語教師並進行父母的問卷調查對教材的需求,作為編寫設計教材時之一種參考。研究者也提出下面幾個教材編寫原則:針對性原則、趣味性原則、科學性原則、實用性原則。 經過資料的蒐集與分析,在考量兒童學習語言的過程與特點及教材編寫的理論與原則後,本論文按照所分析的資料提出初級兒童華語教材編寫應該注意的方向,並提供一課範例。
In the past few years there has been a rising interest for Chinese language learning worldwide. This phenomenon concerns today’s Russia as well, where adult students have been considered the main focus of Chinese language training, with a consequent lower demand for Chinese language teaching materials and tools especially designed for younger learners. With an interest in exploring the current state of Chinese language materials targeting Russian speaking children, this research first aim is to discuss and analyze the beginner level Chinese language textbooks designed for Russian elementary students which have been published up to now. During the process of designing a Chinese language textbook for children, when deciding both the content and the principles to be used and referred to, it is important to consider the specific characteristics of child language learning and child cognitive development. At the same time, it should also be taken into account that not all the teaching methodologies designed for adult learners are suitable for children. In this respect, this research will discuss some well-known teaching methods, such as the Communicative Approach, the Task-Based Approach, the Total Physical Response Approach, the Audio-lingual Approach and the Grammar-Translation Approach. In order to give a more accurate idea of the learning environment for Russian schoolchildren, this research will also include a description of the Russian education system. Lastly, the author will explore the theoretical ground of textbook design, discussing the theories and principles in modern Linguistics which are considered of great importance for the design of effective teaching materials. Conserning the teaching materials analysis, this research will thoroughly describe and discuss three Chinese textbooks designed and published for Russian children in Russia. The analysis will focus on how the textbooks present the following aspects: teaching content, thematic subjects and situations, vocabulary, language functions and culture. The author will also provide her feedback, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of each textbook. Notable feedback worth consideration for the design of these kinds of textbooks has been provided by Chinese lingustic teachers to young Russian learners who were interviewed by the author about what they believe to be the most important and useful characteristics of good language teaching materials. After collecting and analyzing the data, the author wrote the principals of how to design the teaching materials for young Russian learners and designed an example lesson.



教材編寫, 華語教材, 兒童華語, 初級教材, Textbook writing, Chinese teaching materials, Chinese for children, teaching materials for beginners





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