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本文探討二十世紀西方現代主義繪畫元素在臺北市文山區興德國小校園視覺傳達設計中應用,以及以現有空間設計之藝術元素整合識別系統進行視覺傳達設計的歷程,兼涉建構視覺傳達與藝術教育關連體系的設想。 文中首先回顧與本研究主題直接或間接相關的各學術領域現有的研究成果,針對視覺經驗與視覺傳達設計、視覺傳達設計中的符號理論、視覺心理學、兒童心理學、識別系統理論,以及視覺藝術教育理論、藝術史學方面的相關理論與研究等與校園視覺傳達設計實踐的關連,逐一進行評估。 繼而以興德國小在校園視覺傳達設計方面的實務經驗為標本,驗證理論與實務實驗。包括構思擷取不同現代主義流派、風格的平面藝術元素,並結合視覺教育考量,建構校園視覺環境的過程及要點;校園視覺傳達設計影響校園視覺形象的具體機制,進而歸納出校園環境視覺設計基礎的建立過程及從中獲取的經驗法則。 在此基礎上,歸納研究者展開校園環境視覺整合設計的過程與經驗,進一步探討並具體呈現了研究者以整合校園環境視覺設計為目標,建構校園識別系統、設計學校卡通代言人、設計學校網頁,重新規劃學校視覺形象的思考與實踐過程;也對整合校園環境視覺設計在學校視覺行銷中的具體作用進行了討論。
This thesis discussed the application of 20th century Western art elements in campus visual communications in Xing De Elementary School, Taipei City, Including the process of visual communication design through combined current space design and identity system, and the idea of building the joint system of visual communication and art education. Chapter Two reviewed the current research trend and related theories in Visual Communication Design, Sigh Theories, Visual Psychology, Child Psychology, Identity System Theory, Art Education Theory, and Art History. The visual quality of the campus contributes significantly to the school’s ongoing efforts to attract and sustain the best students, faculty and staff, and to reflect its social purpose in a positive way. The landscape spaces between buildings should be understood to be as important as the buildings in defining the overall characteristic and atmosphere of the campus. Chapter Three re-evaluated the heuristic in campus visual communications of Xing De Elementary School, including the process of choosing of modern art elements from different schools, and the process of appliance of the above elements to improve visual quality of campus. Chapter Four discussed the process of visual communication design through combined current space design and identity system, especially in the school idol designed, web site design, as well as the process of re-building of the visual quality of the campus. Furthermore, This chapter also discussed the relationship of visual quality of the campus and educational value, and its positive contribution to the unique identity of the campus.



學校識別系統, 視覺經驗, 視覺傳達設計, 藝術教育, 藝術元素應用, School Identity System, Visual Experience, Visual Communication Design, Art Education, Application of Art Elements





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