dc.contributor | 吳清基 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor | 黃光男 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | 黃美賢 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-08-29T07:02:24Z | |
dc.date.available | 2004-2-27 | |
dc.date.available | 2019-08-29T07:02:24Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2004 | |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究的主要目的在於以社會文化取向為觀點釐清我國社會藝術教育政策背景與建構我國社會藝術教育政策內涵。 本研究首先以文獻分析建構我國社會藝術政策背景與政策內涵雛型;復以此雛型為基礎,個別訪談三十二位研究對象,包括學者、政府單位主管與老師;再針對個別訪談結果之意見衝突與過於分歧部分,邀集八位學者專家進行焦點團體座談,最後獲致結論如下: 一、社會文化取向的我國社會藝術教育政策背景方面 (一)社會文化取向的藝術教育理論基礎:其相關基礎理論有五種,包括社會重建的藝術教育、後現代的藝術教育、視覺文化的藝術教育、多元文化的藝術教育、社區取向的藝術教育。其基本立場強調藝術教育應與日常生活及社會文化脈絡環境結合。其教育目的在於促進藝術學習之民主平權與增進生活之藝術文化素養。其教育內容與方法為生活化、多元化、建構化、統整化、民主化與社區化。 (二)我國社會藝術教育現況問題:經研究結果發現共有十二個面向,四十九個問題,包括一般民眾藝術素養不足與藝術學習觀念偏差;社會藝術教育政策內涵缺乏與社會文化脈絡環境結合;社會藝術教育政策制定過程忽略民眾意見與適時修刪;社會藝術課程忽略多元通識與生活應用;社會藝術教育師資與行政人才培育之任用機制不健全;社會藝術學習管道機會未能普及;生活環境美感品質不佳;社會藝術教育行政組織不健全;社會藝術教育行政運作績效不佳;社會藝術教育相關法規研修訂速度緩慢;社會藝術教育經費編列太少且運用不當;社會藝術教育之相關研究發展太少。 (三)美、英、法、日與香港的社會藝術教育政策取向:經研究結果發現共有七項重要內容,包括立基文化與社會的發展導向,且著重藝術與社區生活結合;加強藝術普及推廣,鼓勵民眾學習參與;推展藝術文化經濟產業,加強產學合作培訓人才;獎助藝術創造活動,鼓勵多元與卓越發展;保存傳統藝術文化資產,並予活用與推廣;增進地方藝術文化特色之建立與認同,加強國際藝術文化交流;尋求多方公私部門協力合作推展,擴大民間資源投入與推廣效益。 二、社會文化取向的我國社會藝術教育政策內涵方面 (一)政策理念:共可分為八項,包括結合社會文化導向;融入生活美學導向;推廣普及全民導向;建立通識與紮根導向;促進多元與卓越導向;符合市場與產業導向;兼顧本土與國際導向;公私協力參與導向。 (二)政策願景:共有三項,包括培養高度藝術文化素養之全體國民;建立全民終身學習參與藝術之民主社會;高度發揮藝術教育之社會文化功能。 (三)政策目標:共有五個面向,十一政策目標。目標面向包括:建立適切的社會藝術學習觀念;培養審美、創造與應用的能力;開拓藝術學習的管道與內容;建立藝術教育結合社會文化的機制;建構良好的藝術學習環境五個面向。 (四)實施途徑與具體策略:經研究後共可列出十二項途徑與四十七項策略。途徑包括:倡導社會文化取向之藝術學習觀念、推展藝術學習的課程與學習活動、培育社會藝術教育專業師資與行政人才、開拓全面多元的藝術學習與應用管道、建立美感與創意的人文生活環境、強化與增設社會藝術教育行政組織、提高社會藝術教育經費比重並加強經費的合理運用、加速研修訂與落實社會藝術教育法規、提高社會藝術教育經費與加強經費運用之合理分配、整合政府與民間資源投入社會藝術教育推展、加強社會藝術教育研究、增進社會藝術教育國際交流、獎助社會藝術教育推展。 基於上述結論,本研究對政府機關制定社會藝術教育政策提出五項建議,包括:一、掌握社會藝術教育政策之主要背景重點,以為政策制定之基礎。二、建立正確的我國社會藝術教育政策理念,以為政策形成之依據。三、形塑適切的社會藝術教育政策願景,確立國家未來發展方向。四、妥善規劃社會藝術教育政策目標,樹立政策執行之明確標的。五、研擬周全配套之政策實施途徑與具體策略,加以徹底落實執行。六、兼採其他藝術教育取向之優點。 再者,本研究並對研究者後續研究社會藝術教育政策提出五項建議,包括:一、社會藝術教育研究可取採不同取向內涵之單一、比較或融合性的研究;二、可擴展更多有關社會藝術教育政策背景因素的研究;三、可延伸至社會藝術教育政策過程的各階段繼續研究;四、可深入分類探討社會藝術教育與社會文化及各領域結合的理論與實務;五、運用更多不同的研究方法以進行更多元性的探究。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The major goal of this dissertation is to clarify the background of Taiwan’s socio-culturally oriented social art education policy, such as its theory, current situation and the problems of art education, as well as the tendency of art education policies in the major countries of the world. It is also aimed to construct a real framework of the social art education policy for our nation, including the policy concept, perspectives, objectives, approaches and the specific strategies. In order to reach the above goal, the writer of this dissertation adopts literature reviewing to survey the policy-making background of our social art education and to build a preliminary policy conceptual draft. Furthermore, the writer uses the individual and focus interviewing method to examine the draft, thus reaching final requirements. The dissertation is divided into two parts: the background and the real contents of Taiwan social art education policy. In the first part, the final results include three major components. Firstly, the fundamental concept and theory of the social art education is clarified. The final results reveal that the essential standpoint of the theory focuses on people’s daily life. Its educational goals are to help enhance people’s cultural and artistic levels. Besides, the educational contents and styles are required to lead to approachability, socialization, diversification, integration and democratization. Secondly, there needs to be an analysis of the current situation and policy problems in this country. The problems can be classified into eleven aspects, which include the concepts and capabilities of civilians, government policy, educational curricula and teaching, the training system of qualified teachers and administration personnel, organizational system, regulations, expenditures, researches, among others. Thirdly, it is required to explore the policies of some foreign countries which are suitable for Taiwan to learn from. This includes ten points, such as emphasizing art education promotion and social function, building partner relationships, adopting community development approaches, promoting regional cultural characteristics, improving urban features, helping create the so-called originality industries, being integrated with the tourist industry, making the art environment workable, encouraging the public to participate in art-related activities, and strengthening the computer network education of art. In the second item governing social art education policy contents, the final results include five aspects. Firstly, the idea of the policy contains four major trends, which are social culture, livelihood art, diversification, and for all the people and lifelong. Secondly, the policy perspectives include three items, which are to develop sociocultural functions of art education, to promote art and the cultural level of the whole people, to create a social culture with people’s lifelong art learning in mind. Thirdly, the policy objectives include four major points: establishing suitable lifelong art learning concepts for the people, helping people to heighten their abilities to appreciate things beautiful such as performing and applied arts, reaching an art education state of increasing public participation, and establishing an excellent environment and system of social art education. Fourthly, there are ten approaches and miscellaneous strategies which include the putting into action of art education curricula and teaching (with 5 items of strategies), the cultivation of professional teachers and administration personnel with social art education backgrounds(with 6 items of strategies), the increasing of art learning channels and opportunities(with 7 items of strategies), the combination of art education to promote the preservation of historical buildings and spots (with 4 items of strategies), the modification of related regulations (with3 items of strategies), the establishment of social art education organizational system(with 4 items of strategies), the strengthening of partner relationships in order to integrate social art education resources(with 5 items of strategies), the strengthening of social art education research(with 2 items of strategies), the rewarding of social art education(with 3 items of strategies), and the establishment of assessing and counseling mechanisms(with 3 items of strategies). Finally, this dissertation also proposes some suggestions for the government and the follow-up researches. There are 8 items of suggestions for the government, such as catching the real meaning and function of socio-culturally oriented viewpoints, understanding the contents of social art education theory, solving current social art education policy problems, discussing the issues related to foreign countries, building a long term social art education policy idea and perspective, planning social art education objectives carefully, catching practical policy approaches and strategies, and avoiding possible failures. Besides, there are three suggestions for follow-up researches, including the selection of theory orientation, the research field of social art education theory and practice, as well as the methodology. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 社會教育學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | N2004000035 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000035%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92537 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 藝術教育 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 社會藝術教育 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 成人教育 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 社會文化取向 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 公共政策 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | art education | en_US |
dc.subject | social art education | en_US |
dc.subject | adult education | en_US |
dc.subject | sociocultural orientation | en_US |
dc.subject | public policy | en_US |
dc.title | 我國社會藝術教育政策之研究--以社會文化取向為觀點 | zh_TW |
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