
dc.description.abstract摘 要 本研究以彰化縣公立國民中學教師為研究對象,旨在探討教師對學校圖書館使用情形,以提供未來國民中學圖書館經營與發展,以及教育主管機關政策制定的參考。本研究主要採用問卷調查法,以教師的社會人口變項為預測變項,分別就教師對圖書館的認同態度及使用情形分析說明,並進一步分析其因素。其所得結果為: 一、彰化縣國民中學教師傾向認同圖書館具有「支援教學的功能」;並認同圖書館的「館藏與服務」還不錯;傾向認同圖書館「與九年一貫課程的關連性」相當高;但對圖書館「整體營運評價」並不高。 二、影響彰化縣國民中學教師對圖書館認同態度之因素,在「支援教學的功能」、「館藏與服務」、「整體營運評價」等面向,皆為年齡、職務、教育程度、任教年資。在「與九年一貫課程的關連性」此一面向,影響因素為年齡、職務、教育程度,任教年資則與之無關。 三、彰化縣國民中學教師對圖書館的使用情形 (一)使用目的與頻率 1.教師最常利用圖書館的目的是:找教學相關資料、借還書。 2.教師每週利用圖書館的頻率,絕大多數是偶爾使用與幾乎不用,僅一成是經常使用與天天使用。 3.教師每次利用圖書館的時間多在30分鐘以內。 (二)資料使用情形 1.教師最常使用圖書館的兩種資料為圖書與期刊雜誌。 2.教師每月借書量,幾乎都在0~5本。 3.有四成多教師利用過圖書館從事進修與研究。 (三)配合教學需要情形 1.有二成三的教師所使用圖書館的資料大部分與教學相關。 2.將近一半的教師偶爾或經常使用圖書館資源準備教學。 3.將近八成教師偶爾或經常鼓勵學生利用圖書館。 4.近兩成教師曾利用圖書館或班級書庫,舉辦過學生讀書會。 5.不到一成的教師曾利用圖書館舉辦過教師讀書會。 6.四成三的教師曾利用圖書館訓練學生蒐集資料的能力。 (四)資訊需求情形 1.教師對圖書館資源的需求,最需要的是教學新知與學科補充資料。 2.教師在教學的資訊需求上,最常使用的蒐集資料方式是上網。 3.教師在利用圖書館資源若遇到疑難問題,其最常用的處理方式是詢問圖書館工作人員。 (五)圖書館利用之自我評價 1.對於圖書館的資料分類方法,三成一教師表示清楚。 2.在找尋圖書館資料方面的困擾上,三成七教師沒有困擾。 3.教師在利用各類型圖書館的基本技能上,六成七教師大致不錯或非常熟練。 4.教師最常利用的圖書館類型是學校圖書館。 四、影響彰化縣國民中學教師對圖書館使用情形之因素 影響教師對圖書館使用情形,最大的因素分別為年齡與職務,其次為性別、任教年資、教育程度,影響最小的因素為任教科目。 五、彰化縣國民中學教師對圖書館的意見與建議 彰化縣國民中學教師對圖書館的意見與建議,經過歸納整理,最主要的意見是「充實圖書」,其次依序是「做好分類編目」、「圖書館自動化、網路化」、「專業專職人員管理經營圖書館」、「開放時間宜適當」、「鼓勵師生使用」、「多舉辦相關活動」、「專款經費運用」等。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The object of the study conducted in this thesis is about teachers of public junior high schools in Changhua. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the state of teachers’ use of their own school libraries. The results and conclusion of this study are expected to properly provide references for the future administration and development of school libraries, the future educational policies and academic researches. This thesis mainly adopts the research method of questionnaires and employs the variations of the teachers’ population as a predictor. The summary of results in this thesis is as follows: 1.Teachers’ tendency of attitude toward school libraries: (1) Having the tendency toward agreeing with the libraries’ function of supporting teaching. (2) Having the tendency toward of agreeing with the libraries’ material collection and service. (3) Having the tendency toward agreeing with the relationship between libraries and nine-year-curriculum. (4) Having the tendency toward disagreeing with the evaluation of libraries’ entire administration. 2. The factors affecting teachers’ intention of attitude toward school libraries: (1) The factors affecting teachers’ intention of attitude toward the libraries’ function of supporting teaching are teachers’ age, positions, educational degrees, and seniority. (2) The factors affecting teachers’ intention of attitude toward the libraries’ material collection and service are teachers’ age, positions, educational degrees, and seniority. (3) The factors affecting teachers’ intention of attitude toward the relationship between libraries and nine-year-curriculum are teachers’ age, positions, and educational degrees. (4) The factors affecting teachers’ intention of attitude toward the evaluation of libraries’ entire administration are teachers’ age, positions, educational degrees, and seniority. 3.Teachers’ use of school libraries: (1) The purpose and frequency of use I.The main reasons why teachers use libraries are looking for teaching materials and borrowing or returning books. II.Most teachers sometimes or even hardly use libraries every week. Only 10% of teachers use them very often or every day. III.Teachers use approximately 30 minutes every time in the libraries. (2) Use of materials I.The two kinds of materials teachers often use are books and journals. II.Almost all teachers borrow 0~5 volumes from libraries every month. III.More than 40% of teachers ever used libraries for in-service education and studies. (3) Accommodating libraries to teaching requirements I.23% of teachers use library materials mostly relative to teaching. II.About 50% of teachers sometimes or often use library resources for teaching preparation. III.About 80% of teachers sometimes or often encourage students to use libraries. IV.About 20% of teachers ever used libraries or books in the classrooms to hold students’ Study Circles. V.Less than 10% of teachers ever used libraries to hold teachers’ Study Circles. VI.43% of teachers ever used libraries to train students how to collect materials. (4) Teachers’ information needs I.The library resources teachers need most are brand-new information and supplementary materials about teaching. II.Teachers surf on the internet mostly for their informatiom needs. III.Teachers often ask librarians for help when they are troubled in using library resources. (5) Teachers’ self evaluation on using libraries I.31% of teachers understand the classification of library materials. II.37% of teachers have no trouble in looking for library materials. III.67% of teachers have good, or even great skills in using any kind of library. IV.The kind of library teachers use most often is school library. 4. The factors affecting teachers’ use of school libraries The most important factors affecting teachers’ use of libraries are teachers’ age and position. Teachers’ sex, seniority, and educational degrees are of secondary importance. Teachers’ teaching subjcets are the least important factors. 5.Teachers’ comments and suggestion on school libraries(listed in order): (1) To enrich library resources. (2) To classify library materials well. (3) Library automation and Web-based environment. (4) Libraries administrated by professional and specific staff. (5) Proper opening time. (6) To encourage teachers and students to use libraries. (7) To hold more relational activities about libraries. (8) To have particular budgets for the libraries to use yearly.en_US
dc.subjectLibrary Useen_US
dc.subjectJunior High School Teachersen_US
dc.subjectSchool Libraryen_US
dc.titleStudy of School Library Use of Junior High School Teachers in Changhuaen_US


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