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近年來臺灣及大陸方面針對運用電腦多媒體與網路教學方式在華語文教學之研究甚多也取得一定的成果,大馬的大型獨中及華小亦非常積極地在推動資訊融入教學及網路教學平台作業,在大馬政府積極的推動精明學校計劃之下,多所學校的網路及電腦設備已經獲得提升,大馬大專院校對於資訊融入教學及網路教學上的研究甚多,但僅著重於馬來文、英文及數理教學科目,而對於國民型中學的研究多著重於政策面,針對大馬國中華文科資訊融入教學之實施及研究還未有所見。 在國民教育體系裡華文科依舊停留於以教師為中心及背記的傳統教學模式進行,而且飽受地理及時間上的限制,師資不足、程度落差大的問題一直都無法獲得突破性的解決方案。而長期以來推崇可以打破空間及時間教學限制的網路教學是否適合在大馬國中及國民型華文科教學上推行實值得研究。本論文主要探討的是研究者希望透過此一研究,探討目前在大馬的國中及國民型中學所修讀及教授華文科之學生及教師,在學習及教學上使用電腦及網路教學所面對的困難及可行性,進而探討國中及國民型中學修讀華文科之學生在電腦及網路教學上之內容需求。 研究發現,雖然近幾年大馬政府投入大筆資金在推動電腦及網絡教學,但是國民中學的華文教師及國民教育體系修讀華文科的學生均認為校方沒有意願推動電腦及網絡教學,雖然國民型及國民型(控制型)中學面對資金不足的問題,但教師卻認為校方在推動電腦及網絡教學上的意願非常強烈當中所造成的認知落差是值得再研究的。 雖然教師及學生高度認同電腦網絡教學效能可以提升華語文學習亦能打破時間及空間限制,亦高度認同電腦網絡教學的成效,華文教師對於進行網絡教學的意願也相當高,但雖然88%的學生每天都會使用電腦,當中甚至高達25%的學生每天都上網超過3個小時或以上,但學生卻對於使用華文科網絡教學平台的意願卻偏低,所以若執意推行華文科網絡教學的話,如何吸引學生自主上網學習才是較為重大的挑戰,否則一切將如目前大馬教育部一樣投入大筆資金在資訊教學上,但卻看不到成效。
In recent years, studies on the use of multimedia technology (computer& internet network) in conducting Chinese Language teaching in Taiwan and China have shown a promising result. Prestigious independent high school and Chinese Primary School in Malaysia have proactively promoting the integration of information system into teaching and online teaching platform. Through the proactive support from the government parties on this “Smart School” Program, most of the required technologies equipment and software have been upgraded accordingly. Malaysian tertiary education had conducted tremendous amount of studies on the integration of information system into teaching and online teaching. However, the studies were mostly conducted in teaching Malaysian Language, English Language, Mathematics and Sciences Subjects. On the other hand, in Malaysia Secondary School(Sekolah Menengah), studies were mostly covering education policy, there is not yet any studies done regarding the application of information and technology in Chinese Language Teaching. In public school, Chinese language teaching is still left behind on its old method i.e. passive learning. Moreover, issues regarding geography and time constraint, insufficient staffs and facilities, as well as the student’s difference in proficiency level had never obtained any significant breakthrough. The results on researches that had been conducted to address these issues were still debatable on their applications. The objectives of this thesis are to study the issues and feasibilities on the use of computer and online teaching in conducting Chinese Language Subject learning and teaching in Malaysian public high schools. Furthermore, the thesis also discussed the content of the syllabus in computer and online teaching in Chinese Language Subject in Malaysia Secondary School(Sekolah Menengah). Studies had shown that both teacher and students agree that the use of computer and Internet teaching not only could improve the level of Chinese Proficiency, but also could break the limitation of geographical location and time. Teachers in Malaysia Secondary School(Sekolah Menengah)have higher willingness to carry the teaching activities by utilizing multimedia technology, however students were reluctant. Thus, the most significant challenge in enforcing the use of online teaching on Chinese language subject is to attract student interest and willingness.



馬來西亞, 檳城州, 國民中學, 華文教學, 電腦及網絡教學, Malaysia, Penang, Secondary School(Sekolah Menengah), Chinese Courses, E-Learning





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