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本研究以自身擔任跨國教練之經驗為研究主題,採自我敘說法,以Clandinin與Connelly建立之三度敘說探究空間來澄清經驗,並輔以文本分析法及訪談法以溯源問題與意義本質,以自身為研究對象,意欲探討自身從不願意擔任教練到成為一個跨國教練,以及最終選擇回到臺灣擔任執行教練的連續歷程中,內心的狀態及對教練一職認同的轉變。本研究結論如下: (一) 自身在國際「移動」的過程中,產生許多自我對話的機會,藉由不同國情中所共處的人與所體驗的不同教練本質與圖像,使我在歷經迷惑、混亂、清晰等階段之後,釐清了過往傷痕帶來的影響,以及自身所追求的人生價值與教練一職對自身之深層意義。 (二) 跨國歷程擴展了自身的國際觀與專業能力,促使自身重新審視及規劃人生藍圖,除增加了自身於國內外擔任教練之意願,也在不同文化脈絡中提升了自身的教練認同。 (三) 由於旅途中找回真誠的生命態度及原初純淨的運動本質,使自身得以重新看待教練之職,將教練一職視為一種責任、承擔、義務、傳承及回饋。目前本國教練赴他國擔任教練者人數不多,針對臺灣教練跨國經驗之敘說研究也較為缺乏,希冀以此研究,呈現運動教練自我反思的歷程,透過書寫自身經驗,促成自身之反思及能動性展現,並使經驗透過紀錄、詮釋得以發聲,自身之蛻變過程得以顯露出其價值,進而理解教練一職對自身之意義,提升自身之教練認同。
This research is based on my personal experience of coaching women’s fast-pitch softball teams in different countries, to explore the influence of coach identity in this period, by telling a softball coach’s international experience story to show the coach’s rethinking and reflective process, making the experience more meaningful and valuable, and realize how significant meaning of the coach role is so that promote my coach identity. Self-narrative inquiry is used in this research and its three-dimensional narrative inquiry space which is proposed by Clandinin and Connelly could not only reflects and clarifies the personal experience but also traces back to the problems, and the most important thing is that to recreate essence of the meaning of experience by realizing. The conclusions are as follows: (1) There were a lot of chances for me to have self-talking during the period, I finally found my painful experience and understood deeply meanings by reflecting after going through confusion, bewilderment, and recovery. (2) The international process expanded my professional abilities and global perspective, it enable me to adjust my life planning and career, and also promote the willingness to coach in other countries. (3) Finally, I regarded coaching as a kind of responsibility, commitment, succession and feedback to me through a new point of view to this job from the international process which I found the most sincere attitude in life as well as the sport spirit with pure nature. This research is as a personal record and a reference to sport coaches and related researchers.



經驗, 反思, 跨國, 教練, 角色認同, experience, reflect, transnational, coach, role identity





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