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中文摘要 近年觀光產業快速發展,政府釋出多項利多鼓勵觀光投資的政策,旅館業如雨後春筍不斷的蓬勃發展。因此,人力需求增加將是企業經營的重要關鍵之一,有效的利用激勵制度使員工提高工作滿意度並使其持續留任於組織之中,一直是觀光產業經理人關心的議題。 本研究目的在探討P觀光集團旅館的管理人員對其激勵制度之實施及其工作滿意度之狀況,進而了解留任意願的關係。本研究以P觀光集團首創的儲蓄提撥激勵制度,稱之為「二八相對提撥儲蓄辦法」,符合資格以職級最高級總監下至主任級為限;符合此辦法的資格人數為349人,參加共266人,其中83人未參加;因此本研究依此為研究對象,並且透過問卷調查法蒐集資料,發放266分,回收問卷247份,問卷回收率為92.8%,並以SPSS軟體進行統計分析,將描述性統計分析、信度分析、相關性分析以及迴歸分析等分析結果作整理並且分析解釋,進一步探討組織之激勵制度、工作滿意度與留任意願關係。 研究結果發現:激勵制度對留任意願具有正向關聯性;激勵制度對工作滿意度有正向關聯性;工作滿意度對留任意願具有正向關聯性;工作滿意度在激勵制度與留任意願間不具有中介效果。
With the new policies of the government and the trend of the tourism industry, the tourism industry has grown up rapidly in Taiwan in recent years. Therefore, labor issue is one of the important factors in the enterprise management. Many managers care about effective management to enhance the employees’ job performance. One of the most key factors is work motivation that effect employees’ willingness to achieve the organization goal. The goal of this research is that to investigate the basic level management’s incentive system implement and the status of working satisfaction in P tourism cooperation. Based on this result, it’s necessary to understand the staff remains in the office or not. The incentive system of saving and funded, created by P tourism cooperation, was called “Twenty- Eighty Certificate of Deposits”. The qualified staff range is director (the most high management) until supervisors, so far the qualified number of people are 349 questionnaire, and participants are 266 questionnaire. Therefore, there are total 266 questionnaire based on the number. Workable questionnaire are 247 of total number which equals 92.8%. The research result will be taken use of SPSS for statistical analysis based on descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. It will get these results in order and then explain for further realize the incentive system , working satisfaction, and stay willingness of the organization. The major findings of this study are as follows: there is a significant negative relationship between motivation and intention to stay. There is a significant negative relationship between motivation and job satisfaction. There is a significant positive relationship between job satisfaction and retention. The Job Satisfaction had no the complete mediation effect on the relationship between motivation and intention to stay.



激勵制度, 工作滿意度, 留任意願, 觀光旅館, motivation, job satisfaction, retention, hotel tourism





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