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本研究旨在探討應用差異化教學於國中社會領域公民科教學,探討差異化教學之實施規劃、情況與困境。以研究者任教的台北市某國中七年級一個班級,全班共33位學生為研究對象,為期8周,每週1堂課,每次45分鐘,共2個單元的公民科差異化教學課程。研究方法擬採個案研究法,並透過錄影、教學資料、學生晤談、觀察紀錄與日誌、教師省思等資料分析,以達研究目的之分析。 本研究之研究目的有三: 壹、探究公民科差異化教學的規劃歷程。 貳、分析公民科差異化教學的實施成效。 參、省思公民科差異化教學的實踐行動。 本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、探究公民科差異化教學的規劃歷程 一、實施公民科差異化教學前,教師了解學生學習差異之作法 (一)透過班級導師掌握學生個別差異 (二)利用測驗、量表了解學生個別學習差異 二、公民科差異化教學的課程方案規劃歷程 (一)確認教學目標 (二)視學生能力,規劃不同教材內容 (三)視學生學習特質,融入相關教學活動 (四)教學情境安排 (五)因應各種教學活動,採用多元評量。 (六)確認實施於差異化教學之教學策略 (七)建立每單元的差異化教學流程 三、設計歷程檢討 (一)分組活動時,學生常無法於時間內完成學習任務 (二)組員互動影響分組學習成效 (三)有些學生反應分組學習時,其他組同學過吵,導致學習動機下降 (四)學生心理引導 貳、分析公民科差異化教學的實施成效 一、差異化教學實施提升學生的學科學習成就與表現 二、差異化教學實施後學生學習經驗更加豐富與學習態度提升 參、省思公民科差異化教學的實踐行動。 一、差異化教學實踐中,教師遭遇的困難與其克服方法 (一)學校活動影響,導致壓縮第三單元差異化課程方案的進行時間 (二)升學文化風氣,重視學生紙筆測驗成績 (三)讓學生做多種量表耗費時間 (四)差異化教學方案設計費時耗力 二、差異化教學過程中教師的專業成長 (一)因應學生學習需求,靈活運用不同教學方法 (二)適時調整教學步調 (三)增進教師學科專業知識 (四)同科教師共備 (五)與導師合作 本研究根據上述之研究結果,提出關於公民科差異化教學之相關建議,以提供後續相關人員進行教學與後續研究之參考。
The purpose of this study is to explore the application of differentiated teaching in civic education teaching in the social field, including the implementation, and situation and predicament of differentiated teaching. In this study, the researcher chooses a seventh-grade class of a junior high school in Taipei as a case study (total: 33 students), executing two units for differentiated instruction of civic teaching once a week, and for 45minutes every time for eight weeks. To get the results of this study, the researcher analyzes through the videos, teaching materials, student interviews, observation records, teacher reflections and the like. The purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To explore the planning course of the differentiated instruction of civic teaching. 2. To analyze the effectiveness of the differentiated instruction of civic teaching. 3. To reflect on the practical action of the differentiated instruction of civic teaching. The conclusions of this study are as below: 1. The exploration of the planning course of the differentiated instruction of civic teaching: (1) Before implementing the differentiated instruction of civic teaching, teachers need to know the ways of differences of the students when studying. A. To grasp the individual differences of students through class tutors B. To understand the individual learning differences of studentsthrough tests and scales. (2) The curriculum planning course of the differentiated instruction of civic teaching. A. To confirm the instruction objectives. B. To program different teaching materials according to the students’ abilities. C. To use relevant teaching activities according to the learning characteristics of students. D. To arrange the teaching situations. E. To use multiple evaluations in response to various teaching activities. F. To make sure the teaching strategies of the differentiated instruction. G. To establish the process of the differentiated instruction in each unit. (3) The reviews of the designing course: A. Students usually can’t finish the learning task when in group activities. B. The interaction between the crews impacts on the effect of learning. C. Some students respond that the motivation of learning will be declined if other crews get too noisy. D. The psychological guidance of students. 2. To analyze the effectiveness of the differentiated instruction of civic teaching. (1) The implementation of differentiated instruction enhances students' academic achievement and performance. (2) After implementation of differentiated instruction, it improves students’ learning experience and learning attitude. 3. To reflect on the practical action of the differentiated instruction of civic teaching. (1) There are difficulties and overcomes that teachers face in differentiated instruction. A. The impact of school activities leads to compression of the third unit of the difference between the duration of the program. B. To pay attention to students’ exam results in entrance-examination culture C. It spends too much time to let students do a variety of scales. D. It consumes too much time and efforts to design differentiated instruction programs. (2) The professional development of teachers in difference in differentiated instruction. A. It depends on students’ learning requirement to use different teaching methods. B. To adjust teaching pace timely. C. To enhance the professional knowledge of teachers D. To prepare lessons together by the same subject teachers. E. To cooperate with the class tutor. Based on the results of this study, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the differentiated instruction of civic teaching, so as to provide reference for teaching of civic teaching study and further research.



公民教學, 差異化教學, 個案研究, civic teaching, differentiated instruction, case study





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