
dc.contributorChen-Yuan Hsuen_US
dc.contributor.authorYing-Mei Kuoen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討高職學生法治知識與法治態度概況與影響因素,擬就研究結果與發現作成結論。提供政府、教育單位、師長、家長等,落實高職學校法治教育與實踐時參考。 本研究採調查研究法實施,以彰化縣高職學生為研究對象,經由文獻分析與學科專家意見彙整後,研擬本研究架構,並編製成「高職學生法治知識與法治態度調查」問卷。進行抽樣調查,經分層叢集取樣程序共寄發1360份,回收有效問卷1242份,有效回收率91.32%。所得資料利用SPSS for Windows統計軟體進行資料處理與統計分析,以了解高職學生的法治知識與法治態度的概況與影響因素。同時並針對研究需要,設計「彰化縣97學年度公民與社會課程與師資調查」,了解課程開設概況與師資人力結構。 本研究主要發現如下: 壹、高職學生法治知識程度尚可,還有許多成長的空間。 貳、高職學生法治態度傾向正向、積極。 參、高職學生法治知識與法治態度間的關係呈正相關。 肆、高職學生法治知識的影響因素有:學校隸屬、年級、就讀類科、學業成績、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、法治知識來源。 伍、高職學生法治態度的影響因素有:學校隸屬、性別、就讀類科、學業成績、師生互動、同學互動、父母管教方式、幹部經驗、校園民主氣氛。 陸、高職學生「少年相關法規」知識的影響因素有:學校隸屬、性別、年級、就讀類科、學業成績、法治知識來源。 柒、高職學生「刑事法規」知識的影響因素有:學校隸屬、性別、就讀類科、學業成績、師生互動、同學互動、幹部經驗、法治知識來源。 捌、高職學生「行政法規」知識的影響因素有:學校隸屬、年級、母親教育程度、法治知識來源。 玖、高職學生「民事法規」知識的影響因素有:學校隸屬、性別、年級、就讀類科、學業成績、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、父母管教方式、幹部經驗、每週看新聞頻率、法治知識來源。 拾、高職學生「憲法」知識的影響因素有:學校隸屬、性別、年級、就讀類科、學業成績、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、法治知識來源。 拾壹、高職學生「對司法人員的看法」的影響因素有:就讀類科、校園民主氣氛。 拾貳、高職學生「對法律基本看法」的影響因素有:學校隸屬、就讀類科、學業成績、師生互動、同學互動、父母管教、幹部經驗、校園民主氣氛、法治知識來源。 拾參、高職學生「法律對國家個人影響看法」的影響因素有:就讀類科、學業 成績、師生互動、同學互動、父母管教方式、幹部經驗、校園民主氣氛。 拾肆、高職學生「對守法態度的看法」的影響因素有:學校隸屬、性別、就讀類科、學業成績、師生互動、同學互動、幹部經驗、校園民主氣氛。 拾伍、高職學生「對犯罪看法」的影響因素有:性別、學業成績、師生互動、同學互動、父母管教方式、幹部經驗、校園民主氣氛、法治知識來源。 根據研究發現,提出以下幾點建議: 壹、對教育單位及教育工作者的建議 一、重視公民與社會課程及專業師資。 二、營造優質、友善的校園民主文化。 貳、對家長的建議 一、重視親職教育、提升父母效能。 二、身教、言教並重,以身作則。 參、對政府的建議 一、加強媒體監督、媒體識讀。 二、善用大眾傳播媒體。 三、加強學生行政法知識。 四、加強學生對司法人員信任。 肆、對未來研究的建議 一、研究範圍方面:可以擴大範圍至全國。 二、研究對象方面:可以針對不同層級學校的學生。 三、研究變項方面:擴大研究變項範圍。 四、研究工具方面:讓分測驗的題數可一致,讓研究內容、面向更豐富完整。 五、研究方法方面:輔以質性研究法;也可採縱貫式研究;或採實驗研究來收集資料。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe present study was aimed to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of rule of law, especially the implementation and the effects, on vocational high school students. The results and conclusions of the present study would provide the government, education organizations, teachers, and parents with valuable information in the practice of law-related education. A survey research design was adopted by the present study. In addition, Vocational High School students in Changhua County were served as the subjects. Based on the literature review and experts’ suggestions, the questionnaire of “The Knowledge and Attitudes of Rule of Law on Vocational High School Students” was designed. By sample survey and stratified cluster sampling, 1360 questionnaires were distributed. Moreover, 1242 out of 1360 questionnaires (91.32%) were valid. The researcher coded and analyzed the results through the statistical software, SPSS. Furthermore, in order to fulfill the demands of the study, “2008 Curriculums and Teachers of Social Studies in Changhua County” was designed to find out the general situation of the present curriculum guideline and the structure of teacher resources. According to the analysis and discussion, the conclusions were as follows: 1. Vocational high school students did not perform well on the knowledge of rule of law, which indicates that there is still much improvement needed in the future. 2. Vocational high school students’ attitudes of rule of law were correlated positively. 3. There were positive correlations between the knowledge and attitudes of rule of law on vocational high school students. 4. The factors which influenced students’ knowledge of rule of law included: schools, grades, majors, academic achievements, parents’ education levels as well as sources of the knowledge of rule of law. 5. The factors which influenced students’ attitudes of rule of law included: schools, genders, majors, academic achievements, interactions between teachers and students, interactions between peers, parents’ rearing practice, leader experience as well as schools’ democratic atmosphere. 6. The factors which influenced students’ knowledge of laws related to the juvenile included: schools, genders, majors, academic achievements, as well as sources of knowledge of rule of law. 7. The factors which influenced students’ knowledge of the criminal law included: schools, genders, majors, academic achievements, interactions between teachers and students, interactions between peers, leader experience as well as sources of knowledge of rule of law. 8. The factors which influenced students’ knowledge of administrative laws included: schools, genders, mothers’ education levels as well as sources of knowledge of rule of law. 9. The factors which influenced students’ knowledge on civil laws included: schools, genders, grades, majors, academic achievements, parents’ education levels, parents’ rearing practice, leader experience, weekly frequency of watching news as well as sources of knowledge of rule of law. 10. The factors which influenced students’ knowledge on constitutions included: schools, genders, grades, majors, academic achievements, parents’ education levels, as well as sources of knowledge of rule of law. 11. The factors which influence students’ viewpoints toward judiciary staffs included: majors and schools’ democratic atmosphere. 12. The factors which influenced students’ basic viewpoints toward laws included: schools, majors, academic achievements, interactions between teachers and students, interactions between peers, parents’ rearing practice, leader experience, schools’ democratic atmosphere as well as sources of knowledge of rule of law. 13. The factors which influenced students’ attitudes of how laws affected nation and people included: majors, academic achievements, interactions between teachers and students, interactions between peers, parents’ rearing practice, leader experience as well as schools’ democratic atmosphere. 14. The factors which influenced students’ attitudes to obey laws included: schools, genders, majors, academic achievements, interactions between teachers and students, interactions between peers, leader experience as well as schools’ democratic atmosphere. 15. The factors which influenced students’ viewpoints toward crimes included: genders, academic achievements, interactions between teachers and students, interactions between students, parents’ rearing practice, leader experience, schools’ democratic atmosphere as well as sources of knowledge of rule of law. According to the findings, suggestions were recommended as follows: I. Suggestions for educational organizations and educators 1. Emphasizing civil curriculums and social studies; providing professional teachers 2. Building high quality and friendly campus with democratic atmosphere II. Suggestions for parents 1. Valuing parental education; improving the efficiency of parental education 2. Educating children by both personal examples and precepts III. Suggestions for the government 1. Strengthening media's supervision and literacy 2. Making better use of mass communication media 3. Strengthening students’ knowledge of administrative laws 4. Strengthening students’ trust in judiciary staffs IV. Suggestions for future researches 1. Range of the research: extending the range of region to the whole nation 2. Subjects of the research: involving students from different levels of schools 3. Variables of the research: extending the scope of variables 4. Instruments of the research: equalizing the items of the tests to make the research more abundant and complete 5. Methods of the research: adding qualitative methods, longitudinal methods, or experimental methods to collect data.en_US
dc.subjectVocational High Schoolen_US
dc.subjectLaw-related Educationen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge of Rule of Lawen_US
dc.subjectLegal Attitudesen_US
dc.titleThe Knowledge and Attitudes of Rule of Law on Vocational High School Students--A Study of Changhua Countyen_US


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