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Office of Teacher Education and Career Service
Office of Teacher Education and Career Service
為了探討國中教師對於新冠疫情期間探究與實作課程的實施狀況,以及所遭遇的問題,透過問卷調查法進行資料蒐集與分析。研究工具係透過相關文獻的量表所建構而成,計有技術挑戰、教學挑戰、文化挑戰、課程挑戰及個人挑戰等五個構面、共26題。經由立意抽樣選取新北市及新竹市國中現職教師計201位有效樣本,投入統計分析與回饋文字的質性分析。經由描述性統計表述了樣本特性;透過差異性分析了解30 歲以下教師面對線上教學的挑戰顯著高於51 歲以上教師;每周課程少於5堂課的授課教師面對技術挑戰顯著高於11堂課以上的教師;偏遠學校認為面對文化挑戰顯著高於一般學校。質性文字回饋則呈現認同線上學習的功能,但對於探究與實作教學有明顯的限制性。文中依據研究發現提出相應的研究建議,以供教育主管機關、學校主管、教師與研究者之參考。
The study designed an online survey to explore the current situation and challenges of inquiry and practice course implementation by junior high school teachers. The dimensions of the questionnaire were developed based on literature review. It consists of 26 questions in five dimensions, that are Technique, Teaching, Culture, Curriculum, and Personal Challenge. The study adopted Purposive Sampling to collect 201 effective samples from junior high school teachers in New Taipei City and Hsinchu City. The study conducted statistical analysis and qualitative analysis on semi-structured questions. Descriptive statistics were applied to explore the demographics of respondents. The variance analysis was used to compare the mean of different demographic groups. The results showed that teachers who under 30 years old faced more challenges in online teaching than those over 51 years old; those who teach less than 5 courses a week faced more technique challenges than those who teach more than 11 courses a week; schools in remote areas faced more culture challenges than those in cities. The qualitative analysis results showed that most teachers agreed with the functions of online teaching platforms, but the implementation of inquiry and practice courses is limited, which was a critical issue.
The study designed an online survey to explore the current situation and challenges of inquiry and practice course implementation by junior high school teachers. The dimensions of the questionnaire were developed based on literature review. It consists of 26 questions in five dimensions, that are Technique, Teaching, Culture, Curriculum, and Personal Challenge. The study adopted Purposive Sampling to collect 201 effective samples from junior high school teachers in New Taipei City and Hsinchu City. The study conducted statistical analysis and qualitative analysis on semi-structured questions. Descriptive statistics were applied to explore the demographics of respondents. The variance analysis was used to compare the mean of different demographic groups. The results showed that teachers who under 30 years old faced more challenges in online teaching than those over 51 years old; those who teach less than 5 courses a week faced more technique challenges than those who teach more than 11 courses a week; schools in remote areas faced more culture challenges than those in cities. The qualitative analysis results showed that most teachers agreed with the functions of online teaching platforms, but the implementation of inquiry and practice courses is limited, which was a critical issue.