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1. 苗栗縣國中學生整體生活壓力為中等程度,生活壓力來源以學業為主。
2. 苗栗縣國中學生有偶像人數佔87.1%;無偶像人數佔12.9%。偶像崇拜類型以「影視明星」的崇拜人數最多(佔39.6%)。不分偶像類型之崇拜原因排序為「才能」、「個性」、「外型」、「成就」、「很會賺錢」、「其他」。
3. 家庭關係不良與家庭關係中等的國中學生,對於來自「整體層面」、「同儕互動」、「父母管教」、「兩性相處」的生活壓力感受較為強烈。
4. 國中男學生對「其他類型」偶像的崇拜、「沒有偶像」的情況上,高於女學生;國中女學生對「親師朋友」、「影視明星」的崇拜,比男學生多。
5. 同儕關係中上程度的國中學生,其偶像崇拜行為強度較高。
6. 生活壓力中下程度的國中學生,其崇拜「影視明星」、「其他類型」與「沒有偶像」的情況上,會高於中上程度的國中學生;生活壓力中上程度的國中學生,對「親師朋友」的崇拜會高於中下程度的國中學生。
7. 苗栗縣國中學生整體生活壓力與其偶像崇拜行為強度之間呈現顯著正相關。
Research on the Life Stress and Idolatry of Junior High School’s Students – Take Students in Miaoli County for Example Abstract This research targets at discussing the relationship between the life stress and the behavior of idolatry for junior high school’s students in Miaoli County. Based on the method of issuing questionnaire to the students mentioned above, the effective surveys are 542 copies. After performing “Index of Family Relations (IFR)”, “Index of Peer Relations (IPR)”, “Index of Idolatry”, “Index of Life Stress”, and “Personal Background Variation Survey”, we use descriptive analysis, independent t-test, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis to analyze the data. Significant results are summarized as follows: 1. The whole life stress of students in Miaoli County is middle-leveled. The main source of pressure comes from schoolwork. 2. The students with idolatry are 87.1% of all students while 12.9% on the contrary. “Video stars” are the main type of worship which occupies 39.6%. The reason for those who don’t care what type of idols is are “talent”, “personality”, “appearance”, “achievement”, “money” and “others”. 3. For students with family relationship of the bad or the not bad, they face the life stress coming from “whole perspective”, “peer relations”, “parents’ discipline”, and “relation with opposite sex” strongly. 4. Boys worshiping idols of “other types” and without worship are much more than girls; girls worshiping “parents, teachers and friends” and “video stars” are much more than boys. 5. Students with better peer relation will perform behaviors of idolatry strongly. 6. Students with less life stress worshiping “video stars”, “other types” and “no idol” are more than the ones with more life stress; the latter worships “parents, teachers and friends” more than the former. 7. It shows positive correlation between the whole life stress and the idolatry behavior strength for junior high school’s students in Miaoli County. According to the discovery of above researches, we propose concrete recommendations for reference for practical application and future research. Index: Junior High School’s Student, Life Stress, Idolatry
Research on the Life Stress and Idolatry of Junior High School’s Students – Take Students in Miaoli County for Example Abstract This research targets at discussing the relationship between the life stress and the behavior of idolatry for junior high school’s students in Miaoli County. Based on the method of issuing questionnaire to the students mentioned above, the effective surveys are 542 copies. After performing “Index of Family Relations (IFR)”, “Index of Peer Relations (IPR)”, “Index of Idolatry”, “Index of Life Stress”, and “Personal Background Variation Survey”, we use descriptive analysis, independent t-test, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis to analyze the data. Significant results are summarized as follows: 1. The whole life stress of students in Miaoli County is middle-leveled. The main source of pressure comes from schoolwork. 2. The students with idolatry are 87.1% of all students while 12.9% on the contrary. “Video stars” are the main type of worship which occupies 39.6%. The reason for those who don’t care what type of idols is are “talent”, “personality”, “appearance”, “achievement”, “money” and “others”. 3. For students with family relationship of the bad or the not bad, they face the life stress coming from “whole perspective”, “peer relations”, “parents’ discipline”, and “relation with opposite sex” strongly. 4. Boys worshiping idols of “other types” and without worship are much more than girls; girls worshiping “parents, teachers and friends” and “video stars” are much more than boys. 5. Students with better peer relation will perform behaviors of idolatry strongly. 6. Students with less life stress worshiping “video stars”, “other types” and “no idol” are more than the ones with more life stress; the latter worships “parents, teachers and friends” more than the former. 7. It shows positive correlation between the whole life stress and the idolatry behavior strength for junior high school’s students in Miaoli County. According to the discovery of above researches, we propose concrete recommendations for reference for practical application and future research. Index: Junior High School’s Student, Life Stress, Idolatry
國中學生, 生活壓力, 偶像崇拜, Junior High School’s Student, Life Stress, Idolatry