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台灣地區青少年隨著年齡增加,吸菸的比率愈來愈高,且研究指出國小至國中是青少年習得吸菸行為的關鍵時期。家長是避免青少年接觸菸品的第一線守護者,他們預防子女吸菸的作為是預防青少年吸菸的重要課題。本研究主要目的在了解家長預防國小和國中子女吸菸措施的現況並探討相關因素,冀能提供實用的親職教育內涵。 本研究以分層隨機抽樣方式,選取宜蘭市八所中小學,以國小四~六年級和國中一~三年級每年級各兩班學生之家長為調查對象,在民國九十二年十月進行調查工作,並利用自填式結構問卷為工具收集資料。共回收1358份問卷,再進行t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關和多元線性迴歸分析。 研究發現母親預防子女吸菸的措施做得比父親好;不吸菸家長比每天吸菸家長有較好的預防措施;家長的菸害知識、反菸態度與預防子女吸菸的措施呈顯著正相關,表示家長菸害知識愈佳、反菸態度愈正向,則有愈佳的預防措施。另一方面,年齡、男性、家庭氣氛很好、聽從父母意見及與父母商量的管教方式、親子關係很親密及親密、子女就讀國小、課業表現前三分之一及中間三分之一、每天吸菸及偶爾吸菸的行為、菸害知識、反菸態度是預防子女吸菸措施的顯著預測變項,可解釋38.1%的變異量。 根據調查的結果,建議應積極推動親職教育,增強家長的菸害知識、反菸態度和學習教養子女經驗,並設法提升父親的參與率。此外,鼓勵家長不吸菸和戒菸,樹立良好楷模,將可提升家長有效保護子女的功能。
The rate of smoking among adolescents in Taiwan seems to increase in recent days. Previous studies have indicated that young people tend to start smoking during elementary and junior high schools. Parents are good gatekeepers for preventing adolescents from smoking. The current study aims to explore parents’ strategy to prevent their children from smoking and to discuss the related factors. The survey was conducted in October, 2003. By stratified random sampling, the parents were chosen from 4th to 9th grades in 6 elementary schools and 2 junior high schools in Yilan City. Each grade included two classes, so there were 48 classes in all. Totally, 1358 parents completed their self-administered questionnaires at home. T test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation and multiple regression statistics were used to examine the correlations between parents’ knowledge, attitudes, smoking status, and their preventive strategies. The result showed that mothers had better strategies than fathers, and that non-smoking parents did better than smoking parents. Parents’ knowledge of the hazard of smoking and their attitudes against tobacco were significantly associated with their preventive strategy. Moreover, the 38.1% variance of preventing children from smoking could be explained by the variables: age, male, good family atmosphere, the educational mode of being obedient to parents and consulting with parents, close parent-child relationship, children studying in elementary school, good academic performance, smoking behavior, knowledge about tobacco hazard and attitudes against smoking. In conclusion, we should promote the parental education in order to enhance their knowledge about the hazard of smoking and attitudes against smoking. We should also urge the parents to learn the parenting experience and improve the fathers’ involvement. Besides, we should encourage parents to quit smoking, in order to establish good models for the children.



宜蘭市, 家長, 預防子女吸菸, Yilan City, parents, prevent children from smoking





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